how many days before ovulation did you conceive?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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Is it more common to conceive on the day of ovulation? One day before? 2? 3? Just curious

I dont really unerstand the question. Everyone conceives when they ovulate dont they? Its just not knwoing when you ovulate. They say its 14 after the first day of your last period and that being a 5 perio on a 28 day day cycle.

For me I have a 30 day cycle my last period wa sonly 3 days. With me taking the normal cycle and 5 days it gave me a due date but that was hanged on my 12 weeks scan by adding 3 days. So with my period being 2 days short and with the adding of the 3 days that made me Ovulate 19 days after my period (by going by the end of my period as it finished early).

Confusesd hehe! Im sure ovulation only lasts a day so you can conceive after that. Hope this helps

catherine x
Hi Cath23!

You're right, conception is actually on the ovulation day. I should probably rephrase the question. What I really meant is how many days before ovulation day did you BD... They say sperm can live 3-5 days, while more common is 2-3 days. This is why I asked, if an act say 3 days before ovulation lead to pregnancy or not.

I am a little confused with your days! But just a note here, ovulation day is not 14 days after the first day of your period unless it's a 28 cycle. It's 14 days before your next expected period. For example, if someone's cycle is 32 days then ovulation will happen on day 18-19 of that cycle, 14 days before next af is due.

Enjoy your pregnancy

I'm afraid I'll never know. We were extremely fortunate and conceived in the first month, but because it was the first time we tried, we weren't sure when would be best. My periods were irregular but I do think I could tell when I was ovulating (the 'egg-whitey discharge' was a real indicator, and that lasted a couple of days).

Anyway we did the BD on days 13, 14, 15 and 16 for good measure!
I think I was ovulating on days 14 or 15. Seemed like overkill and I was concerned about sperm count, but it seemed to work for us!! Sadly though I can't say which was the magic date!

As far as i know eggs produced in a woman can live only up to 12 hours. Sperms can live up to 48 hours. So, if you have 28 days cycle. It is best to have relations every other day from day 9th (first day of period is 1st day) to day 18th or 20th. This will give you more chances to conceive. Also try BBT chart which points out the right time of ovulation. When there is a noticable increase in your temperature (say up to 2 degrees) then in another 12-24 hours, u may ovulate. Try to be more relaxed and u will surely succeed. Hope this info helps.
When I conceived I was using an ovulation kit and the month I conceived we had overnight visitors on ovulation day/night and the next day/night (so obviously no baby making occured for them 2 days). However I still conceived that month so it must've been either the sprem living inside me before ovulation or the egg being fertilised as it travelled down my fallopian tubes after ovulation which is what happens anyway isn't it?

It can all be confusing as there are no set rules that apply to everyone!

just noticed I posted the word "sprem" lol

I meant sperm


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