How long.......


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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do you leave it,after a miscarriage to TTC?


We waited until my first period arrived then started TTC again, it really depends on when you feel physically & emotionally ready hun x
Sweetheart, Id let your periods get back to normal and give your body a rest, thats personally my choice i spoke to my doctor today and she said give yourself three months, to let my periods get back to normal and give myself a rest as my MC took a hell of alot out of me :oops:

But i guess its all personnal choice.... :hug:
it is really a personal choice, people are told different things from different dr's personally i was told that there was no need to wait, that i could ttc as soon as i stoped bleeding, i have been trying since august so i quess i will conceive when my body is ready to.

for me ttc straight away really helped me emotionally to cope with my loss it is tough every month when i get a bfn but the hope before it has really helped me. But i would say give yourself time to recover physically before ttc, you could even start charting and temping so you know your body's cycle before you start ttc.

Good luck whatever you decide to do :hug:
When i lost my first it was around 6 weeks and i conceived straight away wiht no period in betweeen. But with the second it was later and we're still ttc atm, I think if its later leave it a little longer to allow your af to return to normal and trakc a normal cycle...

Im sorry about your loss


Thank you all for your replies. I am at EPU today so will ask them also.

I have never charted or temped so I guess I need to read up on that.
Are there any good websites for this?

Thank you all again

yes fertility friend (ff) it tells you all about it

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