Sorry if there have already been a bunch of threads about this but I didn't come across any. I know the goal is for a baby to make it back to birth weight by 2 weeks but our little girl has been slower to put on weight. She was 9lbs 5oz at birth but lost just over 10% of her weight which is quite a lot and at over 3 weeks isn't back to her birth weight. The midwife said not to worry because she looks very healthy in every way, is very alert ans is developing well, and is feeding well and is putting on weight, just a bit slowly but it just seems to be how she is. I do agree with her and I've not been very worried about it so far but I'm not sure that she is going to make it back to her birth weight by 4 weeks which does seem like a long time I wondered what others experiences are and when I should start to worry about it.
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