how long to concieve no2?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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as above really...

OH and I arent 'trying' exactly but I am off the pill. It took 6mths to conceive last time in much the same way, I knew my ov/dates/cycle OH just thought he was getting lucky (he doesnt like the 'pressure of performing :roll: )

Anyway, I know each time is different but I was just curious
no.2 pregnancy was not planned i was on the pill. i miscarried that one very early on, but i never went back on the pill. we werent TTC but we were WTT (waiting to ttc) and in the meantime doing natural family planning, i had one period after my miscarriage and then i got pregnant again :)
my first wasnt planned so i cant say how long it took to conceive sorry!
We got BFP on the 4th cycle. It seemed like forever
After being on the pill 10 years it took me 4 months to know what my body was doing after coming off it and fell pregnant 2 months later - so 6 months in total first time.
This time I fell pregnant first month of trying but hadn't been back on the pill in between
It took us 3 months with #1 and this time we were just thinking about ttc and were a bit less than careful literally once and voila(!) :D ...
28 months with Dan! :shock: But totally worth it! :lol:
I fell on the 2nd cycle TTC this time, unfortunately I MC but gives hope that it will be alot quicker this time :D
I had been on the pill for about 12 years when we decided to TTC our first so expected it to take a while, but we caught within 2 weeks of coming off the pill so I never even had a period to learn my cycle! :wink: Obviously knew it wouldnt be that easy with no.2, but we were still pretty quick. We conceived after 3 months of coming off the pill, although then m/c it. We were extremely lucky though and managed to conceive again 2 weeks after the m/c, so in all it was almost 4 months for our second x :hug:

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