How long til you knew


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Apr 7, 2016
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After ovulation how quick did you all secretly know deep down that you was pregnant?
The first time I had no idea at all and the second time i was sure my period was coming and it didn't. Sadly this time I was convinced I was pregnant but I came on so I've not experienced having that i just know xx
I'm convinced I'm still in. . . 6 days late so far and not a peep of my normal AF symptoms but I've felt nasueaous and 'funny'.... I've just got that feeling that something is going on in there but so far had constant negative HPT ! So doctors in the morning for me! Fingers crossed for you, how far DPO are you? Xxxx
With the first, i don't know how but I just knew not sure how many dpo because I wasn't tracking. About 5 days before I tested tho but before my period was due. I remember sitting playing on my phone and then all of a sudden i just had this thing I'm pregnant pop into my head weird ikno, but I also had this thing in the back of my mind saying it's not gonna last and I was searching miscarriage all the time etc and it did end in mc! The second time about 6/7 dpo i had this feeling that I was preg but not at the same time (the sac was growing but no baby) so that would explain the feeling! (Had my bfp at 8dpo) I always herd people saying they just knew I was like how can you just know! But it's just do weird!! Both ended in mc tho. I just think it's so weird how women can just know and I never thought I'd be part of it cos I never have a clue what's going on with my body lol!
I'm 6dpo I'm having symptoms but I don't feel pregnant, so I don't think I am, i hope I'm soo wrong but I doubt it.
Good luck, sending baby dust :dust:
I'm convinced I'm still in. . . 6 days late so far and not a peep of my normal AF symptoms but I've felt nasueaous and 'funny'.... I've just got that feeling that something is going on in there but so far had constant negative HPT ! So doctors in the morning for me! Fingers crossed for you, how far DPO are you? Xxxx

Only 2 dpo so not feeling anything atm! I've just heard stories people knowing straight after bd and ovulation! It's crazy! I think I'd physiologically think any symptom is going to be a bfp but just going to see what happens and if I get AF which is due 20-22nd April!
Very early on... Despite having convinced myself each cycle before and then being disappointed. This time I just knew. I was fainty, my boobs were killing and I felt different.
I think it was about 5 days past ov.
First time round about a week before AF was due.
This time I didn't have a clue. HPT's were negative right up until AF was 2 weeks late. I had all the signs big being pregnant but ignored them due to negative HPT's xx
Hi all! Well I'm either 3 dpo or 5dpo according to different apps! I used Opks too! At due 20-22nd the time is going so slow! Felt very tired and sicky today unsure if it's down to me wanting to have symptoms so badly!
I knew and only took tests to have the confirmation in front of me.

My cycles are irregular so I have no idea what dpo I was or when af was due at the time of taking the tests, but with the first one I had been feeling peculiar for nearly a week and one day I'd got home from work, it just occurred to me that I was, so I went and got a test and hey presto there it was. The second one I started to feel the same and knew instantly what it was as soon as I did. Sadly they both ended in miscarriage, which I knew they would because the feeling had stopped.

In December I had the same feeling again and had 4 very faint hpts. Two days later the witch got me though.

This month is the only time I know full well we bd'd at the right time, but I had to have a cervical biopsy On Friday. I'm 6/7 dpo and other than feeling sore from the biopsy, not feeling anything. Hoping the biopsy didn't affect my chances, but will know by next week!

3dpo...couldn't prove it to my fiance til 8dpo though! Xx

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My nipples felt like they were on fire from 3dpo, then at 5dpo i had an implantation dip on my chart then bfp on 8dpo with frer. Sadly we lost babyg at 12weeks xx

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First time round I didn't have a clue until I took a test two days before AF - sadly we lost that baby at 8.5wks but I don't think it was ever meant to be as I never felt pregnant - always had a horrible nagging feeling something would go wrong.

Anyhow, the second time I knew exactly a week before AF was due so around 8dpo, I woke up absolutely starving right to the tips of my toes and no idea why then when I brushed my teeth that morning my gums were bleeding which has never happened before. I got a horribly faint line on an IC and a lovely clear one on a FRER the day after xx
My first pregnancy I suddenly had a feeling I was pregnant, had to wait a couple of days to test as we were on holiday but as soon as we were back I tested and bfp (I think by the time I got to test it was 13dpo). I then suddenly had a massive bleed a few weeks later with no warning at all and mc.

My second I had tested at 12dpo with a clear negative. But I thought I would test again at 13dpo in the evening as I just had a feeling I might be and bfp. That pregnancy I knew I was going to mc when all my symptoms just stopped a week later so I was prepared for it that time.

Hoping for third time lucky now and that it isn't going to take as long as our previous attempts!
My first pregnancy I didn't have a clue. Had so many cramps I was sure AF was coming so refused to test. I was almost a week late when I finally tested, hadn't even finished peeing on the stick and I had 2 lines!!

With my pregnancy last year I started getting awful painful boobs about 5/6dpo, they felt like when I breastfed my son and the milk rushed down. Strange I know but that made me suspect! Then at 10dpo I made spag bol for dinner (one of my fav meals) and felt like I could gag, exactly the same as I did with my son. Couldn't stomach that at all my whole pregnancy! I was convinced then and done a test the next morning and got my BFP - sadly ended in m/c though. Not had any success since but I wonder if I do if I'll feel the same about spag bol again lol xx
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With my first one I knew the exact day that I'd concieve before we did it!! Spooky - I said to my o/h if we dtd tonight I'll get pregnant so we did and hey presto! I knew straight away and felt really relaxed and I can't explain it just a special feeling....

With my second I had no idea I was trialing out opk's for the first month properly so maybe was over scrutinizing everything and didn't have time for intuition

have you got a sense?
With my first one I knew the exact day that I'd concieve before we did it!! Spooky - I said to my o/h if we dtd tonight I'll get pregnant so we did and hey presto! I knew straight away and felt really relaxed and I can't explain it just a special feeling....

With my second I had no idea I was trialing out opk's for the first month properly so maybe was over scrutinizing everything and didn't have time for intuition

have you got a sense?

I've had a few things but Im not sure if I'm just hoping it's real symptoms AF is due Friday so fingers crossed

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