How important is 16 week mw appt??

Ah, your OH sounds sweet, he shouldn't be blaming himself as it is out of his control. Your 16 week appointment can wait another week or so, they just checked urine, blood pressure and heartbeat at mine. Hope you start feeling better soon. x
Thanks girls, I'm sure if they get worried about me, they wil contact me x
Only thing other than hb and urine at mine was a blood test to check for downs, you may of had that or are having it at another time, hope your feeling a bit better today x
I had my 16 mw appointment at 19 weeks, so you have plenty of time to rearrange. The only thing that I couldnt have done because I hadn't gone sooner was the down syndrome blood test, but that didnt matter to me. x
I had the downs test at 12 weeks. I can check my own bp and urine at work x

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