How early did you get cramps


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2013
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new to this forum and would love some advice from you 1st trimester ladies (huge congrats by the way) :bump:

How early in your pregnancy did you get cramps (if you did) and what did they feel like?

Am very interested to know.

thanks in advance :smile:
Pretty much right away. My first symptom was as if AF was about to arrive.

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Pretty much right away. My first symptom was as if AF was about to arrive.

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(

that sounds promising. Did the cramps start earlier than they would if it was AF coming or about the same time? I have been cramping for 5 days now :wall:

Did they feel any different? xx
I had cramps from 2DPO up until a couple of days before AF was due. Too early for themto be PG symptoms but there was obviously something going on in there!
mine started just before af an got worse few days after bfp so bad i ended up in a+e for expected ectopic thankfully a week later i had scan an everythin is in right place im guessin mine started at 3 weeks as i was only 4-5 weeks at back on fri hopefully see baby this time ....i still get cramps and sharp on an off pains its all stretchin pains i think xxx
I had period cramps through out the first few weeks until about 8 weeks it felt like AF was gonna come x
I had cramps from few days before AF was due and still have them now at 22 weeks!!! X
Me too - AF type cramps before BFP - but they never got as bas as my normal AF cramps. Then I got quite a lot of twinges, cramps and niggles over the next week or so, and on and off since too!

I still get cramps now and I had them from just after OV. I also get sharp stabby pains on both sides which I have been told is stretching x
I had cramps 3 days before period would have come, they lasted 2 days and then stopped. Suddenly I felt like AF wasn't going to visit anymore and she didn't x
Sorry guys I am suffering from cramps but not sure if it is trapped wind. Too much info :/. Not sure what all the abbreviations mean please can you enlighten me. Thank you
Go to the forums and testing section. There's a thread there which explains all the lingo. You do start to get used to it!!!
I had cramps a lot like my AF was going to arrive I still get this sometimes. AF is aunt flow (period) xxx
Oh great news then ladies as I've had cramping and light stabbing pains and various other symptoms for over a week now and still no sign of AF. Hope she never arrives x


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