How do you cope with eating dinner?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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With your bump I mean!

Do you sit at a dining table properly? Or on the sofa with it on your lap?

We've had to put the house owners breakfast bar back up in our kitchen, and my beautiful table and chairs is now in MIL's garage, so I can't sit at the table. I just can't perch on one of those stupid stools! :shock: So we now sit on the sofa and eat off our laps, but for the past few days, I can't even do this.

I can't sit forward because I can't open my legs and my bump is too big. But I can't sit back because then I've got a good foot distance from my plate to my mouth, and everything ends up down my front! Oh, and I can't cut anything sitting back. And recently I start to struggle to breath when I sit up straight because my bump is squashing my lungs. And this is not even mentioning the horrendous backache when I sit up. I'm only eating a quarter of a meal at a time and then throw it in the bin in a temper tantrum! :evil:

Anybody else suffering this bad? Or is there some magic position I've not even thought of?
I have to sit on the floor, or if iam having dinner with sophie i use her table :rotfl: :rotfl:
i put it on the arm of my chair n eat it tht way lol
I sit at the table too, i tried eating cornflakes sitting on the couch and they ended up all down my front lol
I put it in a bowl which balances nicely on the bump and I eat with chopsticks :D
I either sit at he table or at the couch with the coffee table, the corner bit pulled close in. This presents its own problems though.

Cant get a plate on my knee either.
i eat my din with it balancin on my bump - gets LO off to sleep cos its warm lol :D

so i can enjoy my din without bein punched in the lady bits or kicked in the bladder hehe :lol:
has to be the table otherwise i end up wearing my dinner...
i still find it easy to eat my dinner at the mo but i do sometimes wear it lol
I eat at the table as well, but that's more for my digestion than anything else, I find that I get heartburn if I don't sit upright.

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