how do i do this?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2012
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my little man is only 3 days old, i started formula feeding him this morning, he has been great with bf, he latches good and takes quite an amount, just in struggling to keep up, he is a very hungry baby and last night he was practically on my boob from half 6 till half 5 this morn, I'm exhausted, but today he has gone on to formula so well and is so content, how do i introduce my breast milk if i can? Shall i start expressing? IM going to ask the midwife tomorrow don't want milk to dry up, xx
I would do a booby feed first if you can then top up with formula. I alternated for a while so first feed breast then the next formula and so on.
my little man is only 3 days old, i started formula feeding him this morning, he has been great with bf, he latches good and takes quite an amount, just in struggling to keep up, he is a very hungry baby and last night he was practically on my boob from half 6 till half 5 this morn, I'm exhausted, but today he has gone on to formula so well and is so content, how do i introduce my breast milk if i can? Shall i start expressing? IM going to ask the midwife tomorrow don't want milk to dry up, xx

At day 3 he will want to be attached almost constantly, he is signally to your body that it needs to produce more milk for him. Trust that your body can provide that - for the vast majority of women there is no reason to suspect other wise.

Formula will fill his tummy as the milk expands more, but if you don't want to risk your milk supply at this stage you need to put in to boob as often as he wants. X
yeah its not that hes not gettign enough or is extra hungry, hes doing what hes programmed to do and feeding more to increase your supply for his future needs, if you add in formula feeds it will be bad for your supply and really isnt needed hun, the odd one for you to have arest is ok but dont think hes not getting enough its totally normal behaviour
i was asked to add 2 formula feeds to get her to poo and gain weight as my supply not good. When she has the formula and settles for 3 hours I express to keep my supply up.
I was told by mw and support worker to use top ups if it got to the point I was struggling with the demand ( which j was and my LO is also 3 days old) she said to breast as much as possible but sent me off for a sleep after giving baby top up and told me to rest for at least 3 hours and then breastfeed again- topping up with formula as and when needed! I was almost in tears cause I felt guilty doing it but dhe reassured me that 7 out of 10 people she has seen today are doing both to keep same :) xx
I've had to top up with each feed as advised by hospital peadatrician as Emily lost weight. To maintain supply I was told to feed, top up then express but it's got way too much as takes hours then starts all over again. I wasn't enjoying my baby. I've started giving formula at night last night so I can satisfy her (she wasn't settling) and I know will help with her weight gain.

She's been on the breast today and not even taken a top up!!

It's really tough to know the best way, I'm just going with gut instinct now!! X
It is really tough I agree! I think I just needed the support worker to say those magical words 'there is nothing wrong with what you are doing, you are giving her the best of both worlds and you getting some sleep will make you a happier mummy and you will then have a happier baby' I think in hindsight every breast feeding group I went to said how bad it was as it will confuse nipple confusion etc and it will make breast feeding harder! This hasn't been the case at all, she is still more than happy to latch on to the breast :) she had top ups in hospital for the first 12 hours due to low blood sugars! Milk has just begin to come in lightly today so hoping in next couple of days it will fully come and make life a bit easier! Think at 9 pound 4 I just have a very big and hungry baby xx
both my babies were above 9lb 10, first was 10lb 14 so yeah hungry babies and ive had to top up due to initial weight loss with both, theres nothing wrong with giving formula sometimes, every single drop of bm matters to their immune systems and as long as your trying and giving what you can theres no harm or shame in topping up. it took me til 6/7 weeks this time to not need topups anymore and i still give the occasional formula bottle as dh minds her sometimes. bf isnt easy and whatever works for you is best. just always offer boob as much as you can and your supply will stay there. i combi fed DD1 til 6 months and bf'd til just over 1yr with her so its totally possible

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