How did you feel after implant removal?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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I had my implant removed a month ago and have still had no AF (not concerned as it took 3months last time) but my moods have been everywhere :wall2:. I can be angry then fine and have been getting very emotional at times as well. Has anyone else experienced this? I never had this last time but I have had it in longer this time so not sure if its just my hormones sorting themselves out or not. Would be great to know if anyone else has been like this x
Hi I had my implant out in Jan but cant say I noticed if my moods. It sounds like it is just all your hormones settling down again and getting ready for AF. Xx

Had my implant in for only 3 months, and I went crazy :x told them they needed to take it out, or I'll take it out myself. Messed me up for such a long time! Spent the next few months just angry at anyone/everything. So imo if it fks someone up in such a short amount of time, imagine what it does to your hormones over a long period... Your body's trying to get back to normal x
I had my implant removed the beginning of February the first few months I was angry and not to blow my own trumpet but I'm the happiest person you'll ever meet, and from then I've been quite emotional (I'm not a cryer either) but was crying at the soldiers coming home from leave the other day. I got af after 28 days the first two cycles were 28 days apart and then it's been 30 days. I had mine in for just over two years if that helps xx
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I was really lucky i had two implants with no noticable side effects. Getting my last implant out though, my god my pms symptoms where five fold, af came 30 days after and my my did she make up for it. Could just be your hormones kicking in. Hope youre okay, not nice regardless.
Thanks ladies just didn't know if I was going nuts or not. Luratraloora thats good that you never had the mood swings my poor DH doesn't what hes getting from day to day. Wow PB thats not long at all but at least you got it out. I have had mines for 5 years lol maybe that why I have the moodiness with a side of crazy :)

Thanks Darcy and maaaaaac yeah the symptoms are kicking my butt and have been for the last week mainly the stomach cramps. The moods started about 3 days after removal. Yeah i have been crying a lot too and sometimes at the stupidest of things and I can't stop.

Althought hopefully AF is on its was as was getting light pink/orange when i wiped and today its more pink/red. So fingers crossed the moods will calm down.x
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Yeah I felt so sorry for my husband the poor guy was like where's my wife what have you done with her, I was like your breathing is annoying me, it's always really really stupid things as well.
Also dies anyone on here know if Brazil nuts are to help egg production or implantation just so I'm not searching through the other posts where I read it, I'm pretty sure I ovulated yesterday and dtd up until and yesterday and will keep dtd until my app says im out the fertile window. Xx
Yeah the poor men lol lose their wives for a bit. Yeah it actually got ridiclous when I was watching buffy with my daughter and I started crying lol. I'm sure brazil nuts help with implantation x
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I'm not even sure if I like them but I will be forcing them down lol, my husband has got his happy wife back for now!!
I had 2 implants, the first didnt affect me at all. The second I had in for a year or so before deciding I wanted it out. I went up 3 sizes, became a spotty psycho and bled irregularly.

When I got it out we were NTNP for a year and nothing happened. I then lost all the weight after the 12m and skin etc returned to normal so I believe it did take 12m for my system to fully empty out and start a fresh with that.

Since then I fell pregnant the first cycle after the year when we decided to TTC and I never got one back in. Had a coil since having my wee boy then fell pregnant on that so god knows what Ill try after this one is born.

No hormonal ever again anyway, ghastly things.

Wow that sounds awful RM! yeah I don't think I will be going back for a hormonal one after this baby, if I'm lucky enough to have one. I have fell on the pill and injection :/ so not sure what other options I will have haha.

I actually lost weight with the implant it was the injection that pilled weight on me. ATM I just feel horrid, I'm all over the place and I don't know if what's happening just now classes as an AF as its super light (mainly when wiping) sorry TMI but the cramps are unreal and this is day 3 of it. :( x

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