how cold is it wheir u live ?


Dec 11, 2010
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its minus 4 here and last night was minus 12 i cant get warm its freezing infact the only time i get warm is when i work out lol
its -10 now and was -20 last night :( and oil is soooo dear lmao!! i have oil on constant and fire blazing lmao xx
It was -10 here night before last and my water pipes froze so i woke up yesterday to no water at all! x
Its not been too bad today, around -2, but they days before were -6 and -10

I was so shocked by the -10 i had to take a pic of my temp guage in the car and FB it :rofl:
well apparently were to get -22 tonight!! bbrrrrr xx
I'm officially hibernating, well tonight anyway! Anyone getting really concerned about their heating bill? We pay a fixed monthly direct debit but our heating has been on constantly for the past 3 weeks! I've been turning off radiators at night and heating only the rooms we use but still! Brrrr!
im on a gas meter we moved in here in september and was only using £6 a week the last two weeks we've spent £16 a week!
I've had the heating on constantly since the middle of October. This winter will bankrupt me!
Our pipes have frozen :wall2: OH is on nightshift tonight so me and LO are going to my mums! It's -10 atm but due to get a lot worse during the night, everyone is advised to leave their heating on overnight at a low temperature to make sure you don't get froze! xx
Im crapping myself about my next gas bill! The heatings on day and night atm and even then I'm still cold!! I bloody hate this weather!!!
I only put the heating on when I get in from work for about 3 hours max. Use lil heater in the bedroom before bed... So glad OH has moved in to keep warm at night!! I may be on the outer edge of London but it's been at or below freezing (down to -8 at worst) every night for nearly six weeks.
We had -19 just up the road the other night :( God bless my electric blanket. Think I might offer to give my parents some money towards the bills. I dont move out until the 10th jan so fel bad.
Its -7 here tonight but we had -10 the other night, Brrrrrr!

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