How are your non pregnant friends treating you?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Just wondering really. One of my friends is pregnant at the moment too and a couple of friends have children but most of my close friends dont have and arent planning to have children anytime soon so Im starting to feel a bit more distant from them at times which I hate :(

Im a nanny and most of my closest friends are also in childcare in one way or another so they're all used to kids but some of them dont seem that interested in bubba which really upsets me at times (although thats probably the hormones!) I dont know if Im talking about it too much but at times its hard not to when bubba is kicking me like crazy or Im buying baby stuff but sometimes its like they're just not that bothered.

Dont get me wrong I still have a laugh with them about other stuff and we still get on great but its like Im becoming the outsider in some ways and Im worried I'll be a bit isolated once bubba is here. Are any of you experiencing anything similar? Do you have many friends with children or are you the first in your group of friends to have babies?
I've found the invites for going out on a saturday night have pretty much stopped now. I don't really have as much in common with my old "going out" friends anymore, but have made new friends with my OH's family and friends who are just that bit older and all have kids of their own. That's just the way life goes I guess :wink:
To be honest ever since I had Sophie my relationship with my friends have really changed. They are all still single girls, living it up, no kids always out on the piss and then there's me boring housewife :lol:

I don't see them half as much as I used to and to be honest it did upset me, don't get me wrong I still speak to them on a regular basis and before I fell pregnant again had the odd night out too but I suppose the time will come when they settle down and have kids too and then they'l realise what I went through!

It really did bother me in the beginning but now, I think well I have my kids, my man and we're happy and really that's all that matters!
Its not just me then! I wouldnt change having bubba for the world now but I really dont want to lose contact with all my mates. I know I'll make lots of new ones with a baby but that worries me too, Im always at toddler groups and baby groups anyway as a nanny but its always a case of nannies together and mums together on the other side of the room :lol: Swapping sides is going to be so scary!!
Invites to nights out, afternoon lunches, cinema trips etc have completed stopped, dont get many texts anymore nor phone calls. I can almost gaurentee when the house phone goes that it will be mine or OH's parents.

Ive come to realise that Im 20 years old, Friend are in University, going out geting drunk and whatever else. Ive just grown up quicker than they have, I dont mind not being invited out but sometimes i do feel lonely, but then i have all you lovely ladies to chat to and a beautiful baby inside me who is worth 1 million of my "friends"

Invites to nights out, afternoon lunches, cinema trips etc have completed stopped, dont get many texts anymore nor phone calls. I can almost gaurentee when the house phone goes that it will be mine or OH's parents.

Ive come to realise that Im 20 years old, Friend are in University, going out geting drunk and whatever else. Ive just grown up quicker than they have, I dont mind not being invited out but sometimes i do feel lonely, but then i have all you lovely ladies to chat to and a beautiful baby inside me who is worth 1 million of my "friends"

Im a little OH works away Mon-Fri and so is only home at weekends. Since I have found out im preggers my phone hasnt stopped ringing :lol: everynight there's several dinner requests or cinema invites, walks, gym shopping invites you name it and thats between my Dad, MIL, friends and OH's sister. Think they all feel sorry for me if they think im alone in the house and pregnant.

I had the first night to myself last night and loved it!! bought my mags, had a bath and curled up on the couch :)
pacha said:
Im a little OH works away Mon-Fri and so is only home at weekends. Since I have found out im preggers my phone hasnt stopped ringing :lol: everynight there's several dinner requests or cinema invites, walks, gym shopping invites you name it and thats between my Dad, MIL, friends and OH's sister. Think they all feel sorry for me if they think im alone in the house and pregnant.

I had the first night to myself last night and loved it!! bought my mags, had a bath and curled up on the couch :)

Lucky you, maybe its just the age of my friends? Hmm i dont know
It's always gonna be hard dealing with single friends who haven't had kids yet. Their priorities are still to themselves and going out and having a good time. Having a baby will change you and sometimes it's hard to relate to people who aren't going through the same as you. I do miss my weekends out drinking, but I wouldn't change being pregnant for anything now.
The way I see it is people change and life changes, sometimes friendships don't alway change with life and you drift sad as that is. I'm seeing this as an opportunity to meet new people :D
Hi girls -
I've actually found that my work colleagues, most of whom have reared all their kids or who haven't started having them yet, are pretty much ignoring this pregnancy. With the first one, people in general enquired a lot more as to how I was feeling and stuff like that. Now it seems like "she's done this before so she can get on with it!"
Only one colleague is making any exception - a young woman who wasn't working with me before now and who is about the same age as my "kid" sister. She is curious and asks lots of questions, which is nice - but she keeps telling me how big I'm getting, which is ...funny!
I read a book on pregnancy during my first pregnancy which said, "with your first, you're the pampered pregnant princess. With the second, you just get on with it because you will be ignored." I don't think it's completely true, but I find that people definitely pamper you less the second time around!

Vicki83 said:
To be honest ever since I had Sophie my relationship with my friends have really changed. They are all still single girls, living it up, no kids always out on the p*ss and then there's me boring housewife :lol:

I'm the same! Ever since I had Amber, my relationship with my friends who don't have children has changed. They still ring and text me and invite me out, and I do still go out occasionally for a catch up over dinner or lunch (I'm seeing a couple of them tonight).. but in some ways it annoys me as they don't seem to understand that I don't want to be out til the early hours of the morning or sitting in some club while they get drunk and I drink my orange juice! I s'pose it's because of my age, I'm 24 and they're all around the same age, fair play to them as they're single and have no big responsibilities... but I can't wait til they settle down and have kids and then understand what it's like!

I'm quite lucky though as I have a few good friends that are also the same age that have children. One of them has a little girl who is a year younger than Amber, and one of them is due exactly three weeks before me with her first baby. It's nice to meet up with them as we obviously have more in common now really, and Amber enjoys having someone to play with!
Mine are really good with it!! All in our late 20's and with the execption on 1 the rest are in stable long term relationships. I think they are glad it's not them first and are using me as a guinea pig!! They are all really interested and ask the most random questions about my pregnancy. I seriously think they are excited if not more at times, as I am to meet my Son :D We have also decided not to buy eaxch other birthday presents this year and put the money into a savings account for a girly weekend next year as I "will need a break"

If anything I am more worried I will become too mummy and not have anything in common with them but as a group we are not hardcore party animals, prefering a nice meal out or at someones with a bottle of vino. I also believe it works both ways and make an effort to continune doing this so, no matter how tired I am!!!!
My friends have been great and I've been invited out as much as usual, however I think some of them are quite pleased there is a driver now so I can be their taxi! Saying that, I have a lot of male friends that I've only just told so I'm looking forward to their reactions!
I don't think I have been out at all since telling people. Went to an opening night at a club the day or so after I got my BFP but nothing since. No invites out for New Year or anything :cry: Get even less friend interest now than when I was pregnant with Marcus!
this sounds bad but i dont have many friends over here, i moved back after uni, and lost touch with most of my mates. my best mate from school is pregnant too so we're meeting up for cuppa's and a chat.

my best male mate is a diamond, dont see him much at the moment, but he's always checking up on me, texting and making sure im ok ... its sooo sweet
To be honest i am not someone who had loads of friends (nothing wrong with me lol i was just always too busy with 3 kids!) When i went to college last year i made loads of good friends and we were all dueto start uni together...then i fell pregnant!

So now they are all busy at uni and with their families...we keep in touch but i haven't seen any of them for months. Mind you i bet when the baby is born i get lots of visits!
Cixes said:
To be honest i am not someone who had loads of friends (nothing wrong with me lol i was just always too busy with 3 kids!) When i went to college last year i made loads of good friends and we were all dueto start uni together...then i fell pregnant!

So now they are all busy at uni and with their families...we keep in touch but i haven't seen any of them for months. Mind you i bet when the baby is born i get lots of visits!

Thats kind of what Im worried about, I know I'll get loads of visits and presents when bubba arrives but I think it will probably tail off then and people will stop coming. Still I'll just have to get out and meet lots of mums instead, at least bubba will be a good ice breaker!
If this post wasn't here I would have created it myself!!

ALL of my friends have completely changed towards me since I got pregnant. I'm the first one out our group of friends to get pregnant. At first all I received was congratulations but now everything has turned upside down. I have broke up with the baby's father who is also friends with my friends. Since then I have fell out with a lot of my friends and can't trust the others as the ones who I have fell out with have really hurt my feelings as they believe I made the wrong decision in breaking up with the baby's father. I know this is a bit different to some of your situations and the examples you are giving, but even the girls I have styaed friends with and aren't involved in this have changed towards me because I'm pregnant. They don't really invite me out or offer to take me home after an hour ( ?? ) and the other day one of my friends said to me after noticing I'd had a manicure "oh your still getting your nails done, that's really good".

I can't wait for them to get pregnant as well so they may understand what I'm going through!!


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