hi guys. i had midwife appmt yesterday, bp was sky high and had 3 plusses of protein in my urine. also my legs from knees down were severley swollen. she told me to go to hospital straight away for monitoring. got there just after 5pm and left just after 11pm. had blood taken and had to give more urine samples. they monitored babys heartbeat for about 45 mins, this was fine thank god. looking really healthy the nurse said. my bp went up while i was there so they wanted to keep me there til it had gone down again. got to go for a scan today to make sure if babba is fine and looking ok (might find out the sex? always said if i had a late scan id find out the sex but now ive waited so long i dont know if i wanna spoil the surprise?) will have midwife coming to house on friday to check bp and then back to hospital for further bp monitoring so god knows how long il be in there on monday. fingers crosssed they dont admit me and start me off?!!!