Homeopathy & Essential Oils


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I just wondered if anyone used both Homeopathy & Essential Oils during labour, for either relaxation or relief, and is it safe, are there any rules as such? I'm quite prepared with my homeopathy and understand how that works as I used it with Isaac, but OH's Mum has made me some blends for use, of which includes a little clary sage, which I believe needs to be used carefully, so any advice greatly appreciated :D She knows about her oils but not in respect of using them with homeopathy..
Not sure if this counts but i used clary sage oil during my labour. I had been in latent labour for 3 days at that point - having contractions but irregular (though every 10 min or less apart) and Sherlock reccomended clary sage oil so i went and got some (at 11pm at night!) and rubbed it into my belly! It seemed to do the trick and it did make my contractions stronger and more regular - though i'll never know for certain that that was it!
I only used clary sage during labour. My MW is a trained aromatherapist also and she massaged my bump and lower back when I lost my contractions after about 8 hours of labour. I was so close to transition and second stage but they went totally. So she hauled me out of the pool and massaged it all in.

It worked. Within minutes I was having really strong contractions again that got closer and closer together quickly till they were back fully. LO was born not that long afterwards.

TBH I'd be wary of using clary sage if your labour is going well. If your contractions don't get going or you lose them its a great way to get them back etc but when things are going well I'd leave it well alone. It was mixed with some olive oil fwiw.
I used homeopathy and aromatherapy in my labour. I used Caulophyllum to try and get my contractions stronger and more regular; and Pulsatilla to help with turning Cally into a better birthing position (she was back to back). I also used Arnica after the birth as it happened so fast and I was in shock.I only used lavender oil to help me relax and for pain relief in my bath - I have an aversion to Clary Sage as I used it in my labour with Seren and the smell just disagrees with me now. However if the Caulophyllum hadn;t worked I would have happily used it - I never came across any warnings not to mix them but I would ask an aromotherapist or a homeopath if you are concerned.
at our antenatal class our midwife (who also does aromatherapy/homeopathy) said clary sage or lavender were fine to help you relax & that clary sage shouldnt be used before 37 weeks. I went out to smell clary sage few days after as hadnt smelt it before & i swear i nearly gagged in the middle of boots... it was horrid :lol: Lavender all the way for me when it comes to it :D
Our hospital offers aromatherapy when you're in labour. I was all set to indulge in it with my son but as I was before 37 weeks I wasn't allowed to but hopefully this time around I will be able to benefit from it.

No idea what is/isn't safe to use though.

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