Home with baby Samuel


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
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Sorry for delay had to stay in hospital for a few days and we have been swamped with visitors & being tired so finally found some time to log on!

Samuel William Henry Hill was born on Thursday 5th February at 6.07pm weighing 8lbs ended up being emergency c-section as they discovered he was breech at the final hour :shock: So he was born at 40+6 with labour of 6 hours. If it had of been discovered sooner I would have had him earlier but the main thing is he is here & healthy.

Im so in love with him and i just look at him & my heart melts he was so worth the wait!

I will post a birth story up it will have some funny bits in it due to the snow & a dishy consultant :rotfl:

A big thank you to mum2be to keeping you all up to date :hug: & also thanks to you all for your support throughout couldn't have got through all the unknows without you guys! :cheer:

awwww hun! Congratulations!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Glad you are both home now safe and well :D :D
Aw, that second pic is especially cute. Welcome home. I'll look forward to reading your birth story!

He's beautiful! I look forward to reading your birth story! :D
COngratulations hun he is gorgeous :cheer:
Absolutely fantastic news, huge congratulation to you and your hubby!! :hug:

He is absolutely beautiful hun!!!

Enjoy every minute, the time seems to fly by :)
Congratulations again hun

Welcome home , glad you both home safe.

Pics are georgous, enjoy your time with your son, im loving every minute with cameron


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