

Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2016
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Hiya Ladies

So I'm 35 weeks and 4 days today and this evening I've started to get pain all across my bump and in the lower left side of my back, the back pain is very dull and consistent where as the tummy pain comes in waves, definitely getting worse over the evening as well, but not excruciating, I can still function through them!

I would say I've been feeling some BH's over the last few weeks, but this evening I would definitely say they feel a lot different!

At my 34 week MW appt, I was told that baby is head down and he is 4/5's engaged I then had a scan last Tuesday due to a few episodes of reduced movements and was told that he is perfect and that there is no issues to report, he has a good heart rate and good blood flow from the placenta, he is however measuring slightly over the average weight on head and body circumference but nothing to worry about, all completely normal!

So my question is, should I keep an eye out? I don't want to nit picky and pedantic as I'm not even 36 weeks yet, definitely as the scan showed all well too! But, I do definitely feel different and the back pain and pains in my tummy are predominant...

HMMMMM :oooo:
Hi Hun, did the pains persist? I would have sat tight and monitored these pains, and if they increased in pain or shorter time, would of phoned the midwife! But that's just me personally, don't know if someone else would have more helpful advice? Xx
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Once I had gone to sleep last night the pains subsidised, but the back pain was still niggly and there throughout the night! :( I did wake up this morning however with cramps again that are coming and going! I think it's BH playing tricks on my body annoyingly! It didn't get worse though so I think it's a practice run lol xx
Yeah it sounds like it could be a practice run, although I would still just watch the pains if they were coming in waves! I'm not sure who you all have as contacts? But up here I have my community midwife, my health visitor and then for more serious situations, labour/maternity unit at the hospital. If I was in your situation and it was to carry on, I would be calling my community midwife just for reassurance :) xx

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