Hiring a Doppler


Mar 9, 2005
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I went for my 2nd midwife appointment last week and heard my babies heartbeat for the first time, it was the most amazing sound i've ever :D Unfortunately my partner was away with work & was gutted when i told him he'd missed it. I've been looking on the internet and have found websites where you can hire a doppler for a month, I was just wondering if anyone has done this or knew how good or how safe they were..

Thanks Kelly
Yeah Kelly!
My aunt hired one when she was pregnant last year... She was much more settled when she had that ... If she had any worries she would just listen to the babies heartbeat and she felt a lot more at ease! She used to listen to the b abies heartbeat about 40 times a day lol... She thought it was great and so did every1 else.... It cost her £40 for the 1st month and £29 after that, but bearing in mind that was the prices last year... Not too sure how mich they are now....
Your 16wks pregnant.. R u starting to show yet? I have a tiny little bump, but it's nothing major.....I would love a bump but without the stretchmarks lol... Keep intouch!
Love Danielle and Bubble xx
Hi Danielle.. Thanks for the quick reply..the general price seems to be £31 for the first month and £25 each month after which is will be worth it just to see the smile on my partners face :)

What can i say about the size of my bump!!! ITS HUGE.. From 8 weeks ive had to fasten my trousers using a safty pin but for the last 4 weeks ive given in and had to buy maternity stuff im sure if i keep growing at this rate by november i'll be ready to pop... its also like a ritual now with me covering myself in stretchmark cream morning and night.. lol..im just hoping it works

So how far gone are you and is this your first?

Hope everything is going ok.. let me know how your doing

Hi Kelly!
Yeah this is my 2nd pregnany but will be my 1st baby.. previously miscarried... I am now 13wks and 5 days....I am so exited... My due date Is Dec3rd....But I would be happy if my baby came 2 wks earlier... If it was ready too....I wish I had a bump... I have a tiny little pot... That's it- basically I just look fat. Uhhh! Did you say that your starting to get stretch marks... Ahh bless. I hope I don't get them, but 90% of pregnant women do...
I suppose in a way I am glad that I am just putting the weight on slowly, It might me that I will get less stretch mark lol- lets hope so... ha
Keep intouch, Love Danielle and Bubble xx
No theres no stretch marks yet and im buying every cream i can to try and prevent them!! Im sure i'll get a few but hopefully it wont be anything too major :)

Im really pleased to hear that everything is going well with this pregnancy, it amazing to think there is a little person inside, i know its something which happens everyday but when it happens to you it makes you realise how much of a miracle it is and how lucky you are...Have you been for your first scan yet? i went for mine at 14 weeks i cant wait to go for my next one it 4 weeks time.. then i guess after that the next time i see my baby will be face to face... Ohhh im so excited :)) Are you going to find out the sex of the baby or hold out for a surprise?

Kelly x
Hi Kelly,

Have you tried E-Bay, there are loads of Dopplers going on there and you are looking at about £60 to buy. It's worth a look if the rental prices are as much as you've said. Good Luck :D
Hi Kelly!
I am very exited for my 20 wks scan... that a sign tos ay that your half way there! Yes I would love to find out the sex of my baby, so i can colour co-ordinate...I am not fussy if its a boy or a girl as long as its healthy.....
Love Danielle and Bubble xx
Don't buy the BeBe Sounds fetal doppler. It doesn't work well until you are further along, like 20 weeks or more. I would love to know where you can rent the dopplers....let me know Kelly.

Hi Kristi

The website i've rented my doppler from is www.mybump.co.uk
It came 3 days after i had place the order. Its a few minutes to getthe hang of it and find teh heart beat but when you do it really is amazing :D
My friend used a doppler at 10 weeks and picking up babies heart beat - this was a doppler another couple had permanently 'borrowed' from the hospital thogh so I'm not sure what make it is. I'm hoping to borrow it in the next few weeks to see if I can pick up mylittle beans heart beat. It is too early to hear not as my uterus is still so low. Sound apprently doens't travel round corners so before 10/12 weeks or later for some people ot may be harder to hear.

They may have had a good response and good feedback but the replies to the negative and nutral feedback is absolutely uncalled for! :shock: I'd be a little sceptical but that's just me - the doppler does look interesting though :)
Hi Guys,
I just bought myself a Doppler on Ebay for £48.00. And am so glad I did. We've all listened to baby's heartbeat and its amazing. Im nearly 14 wks and its so clear. I would recommend anyone to get one. Its great.

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