High White Blood Cell Count... Still


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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Twice i have had my full bloods done, and both have come back with high white blood cell count. i am due to go have both this and my urine done again this fri, even tho m/w tested my urine last week and no infection found. Am starting to get a bit worried about it, wondering if whatever it is can affect my little man. I have no doubt it'll be high again, but noone seems to want to actually DO anything about it, just keep repeating the same bloomin test over and over again!
Has anyone else had this and been ok? my last count was 17.6

i have ni advice for you hun sorry, but hope everything gets sorted for you very soon :hug:
Sorry cant help, but Id presume if it was something that was likely to affect your baby they wouldve done something about it by now instead of just repeating the test, could you ring your midwife for an explanation to put your mind to rest?

my last test (28 weeks) was 9.7 and original one (9 weeks) was 8.8. The report they put in my notes shows a range of 4.0-11.9 as being 'normal' but on quite a few readings Im outside of the range on at least 3 of the tests they have done
Ahhh funny you posted this, i was going to post the exact same thing when i got back from the docs.

I had a doctors appointment today for my 36 week check and she went through the results of the last bloods and i was a little low on iron but had high white blood cell count still, i also had high count the previous bloods too, so 2 high results now like you. Not sure of the actual levels though.

I'm going back on Thursday for some repeat bloods too.

The doc said to me it's nothing to worry about though! I think any type of infection, cough, cold, even cuts and scrapes can make you white blood count higher, and apparently it's more likely to go high in pregnancy! Not sure why though!
yeah thats what i thought, plus since i found out i was pregnant i have bunged up nose etc etc, so not really that suprised its high. Just wish they'd either do something about it, or stop repeating the bloomin blood test!

Oh wel, will see what happens on fri,


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