High Drive after MC

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Miscarriage a couple of weeks ago and now my sex drive has gone right up again. Is this normal? Surely I cant be ovulating already?

Of course it could be the rugby last night.... I had a couple of ex boyfriends on the pitch that I miss ..... cough cough..... so good in bed.... cough cough .... oh well at least I got some whilst fast asleep and dreaming afterwards ....... but seriously, should we be trying again already?
Maybe you are hon? Mine has shot up only after a few days, bloody shame really since it's gonna be at least 3 weeks til I get any *sigh*
Only you and your OH can make that choice hunny, if you feel comfortable trying again straight away and have been told medically that that is ok then i dont see why you cant x x

We had defintely planned to wait a month or so. I havent said anything, just a suggestion of nookie ;-)
but as its always me that suggests it he didnt think it was about ttc - which it wasnt - and he was too tired anyway - bah humbug - I just wasnt sure if nature was telling me to get going again?
o/h is in the military and working away atm *sulks*
We had defintely planned to wait a month or so. I havent said anything, just a suggestion of nookie ;-)
but as its always me that suggests it he didnt think it was about ttc - which it wasnt - and he was too tired anyway - bah humbug - I just wasnt sure if nature was telling me to get going again?

It could well be hunny and if you feel comfortable why not NTNP?
We waited for my first af, then had a cycle of NTNP, then start TTC again on my third cycle.
I personally believe you know when the times right, i was determined that we had to start ttc straight away but as I thought about it i was still really scared and my OH was too sure but im glad we waited as i know know I wasnt emotionally ready x x

We had defintely planned to wait a month or so. I havent said anything, just a suggestion of nookie ;-)
but as its always me that suggests it he didnt think it was about ttc - which it wasnt - and he was too tired anyway - bah humbug - I just wasnt sure if nature was telling me to get going again?

Could be. Nature is an amazing thing and your instinct overrides all I reckon
aside of all the opk's and cm checking etc surely the best way to know when would be good to bd is listening to your own body. i always feel more up for it around ov time naturally - if you are ready, u should go for it xx
Hey, i think thats totally normal, when i had D&C i thought i wouldnt want any for ages then i was bleeding for nearly 2 weeks and we were told not to have sex for the two weeks but by 1 week after my sex drive was through the roof, it was very frustrating

as positivity said sometimes its just listening to your own body, maybe nature was giving you a nudge.

ahem ex playing rugby.....do expand?? hehe
I think everyone is different. I had no sex drive before, had mc 20th Jan and still no sex drive now xx
I think everyone is different. I had no sex drive before, had mc 20th Jan and still no sex drive now xx

LOl, ah, well I suppose mine is always very high when ovulating and I'm very so so for the rest of the month.

I agree about listening to your body. I really do try to as it is more accurate than any opk or temperature check. But mine is saying "Jump him now!" Which cant be good.

Seriously- last night I dreamt I was in Narnia having a threesome with Peter and Edmund - thats just so wrong on so many levels!!!

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