

New Member
Nov 14, 2010
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hi there im new to this and am in desperate need of some advice? I have polycystic ovaries and im now 5 wks pregnant afta conceivin with the help of clomid and metformin! I've been told to continue takin the metforim because of my history of miscarriages! i started losin brown blood 2 days ago and im really scared im gonna miscarry again!? has anyone else experienced this? and do i need to b concerned? it started has spottin wen i wiped now its a little more! im not losin red blood and i dont have any pains! doc told me not to worry too much unless i have pains! would be really gratefull if some one in a similiar position cud give me sum advice! thank u xxxxxx
hey maddy i cant offer any advice but just wanted to say hi, and i hope it all works out :hug:
Hi Maddy welcome to PF and congrats on your pregnancy.... I experience something like you when I was between 5-6 weeks pregnant and boiled it down to late implantation bleed which lasted 2 days with cramping, hopefully this will be the same as you x Good luck
When i was pregant with my daughter i started bleeding and it lasted 2 weeks, started off small amount and then got to the point where i was having to wear pads! but no pain..
i was so scared that i was miscarrying! i obviously told my midwife, and she did send me for a scan...
She was bouncing around eveywhere... sooo relieved!!
i was just told to take it easy and it went away.... but such a scary time in my pregancy..
i hope everything goes ok!! its alot easier for the doctors to say dont worry so much if you havent got pain, but try and stay positive!!!
Good Luck
Hello. I don't really have any advice I'm afraid but I'm also new here and just wanted to welcome you
Hi Maddy,

Welcome to the forum x

I can't give you any guaranteed advice just experience after re-occurring chemical pregnancies/early MCs and that is whist bleeding is an instant feeling of the worst happening it is not always ...I bled with my lady for a lot of the first trimester and she is here with me today. It is very worrying though so I hope all is well :hugs:

You should be able to speak to your consultant/early pregnancy unit for an early scan.


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