Hi Ladies.....I'm new here and just wanted to ask.......


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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Hi ladies! Let me introduce myself! I'm Liz, I'm 31 from Scotland, I have an 8 year old daughter (going on 18 lol) xx

Anyhoo...moving swiftly on.

My fiance and I are "casually" trying for a baby, more a case of if it happens it happens.

I don't really calculate stuff like ovulation etc. but this month I knew exactly when I ovulated as I felt it. We were very sexually active before during and after this even and I didn't really think anything of it.

I know for a fact I have a 26 day cycle. This has always been the case.

Anyway the "symptoms" I have so far (which are odd for me cos I normally only get cramping etc. straight before a period and no other menstrual signs) are:-

roughtly 3-4 dpo I had a strange metallic taste, like really bad, and nothing could take that taste away. This lasted for only a couple of days. I also noticed things were smelling WAY stronger than they normally do. I actually thought something was wrong with my car, but it was a tyre plant about 1/2 mile from my home burning tyres! It was stinking!

I have had quite bad morning diahrrea (yep, only in the mornings) and I'm normally a fairly regular, healthy pooper. also been getting cramps but have put this down to the diahrrea?

Bad headaches and tiredness.

I did have sore boobs but only a few days after o'ing, but they are fine now.

I am now 12 or 13 dpo (or thereabouts?) and I am getting this very very strange "pinging" sensation like the left hand side/just above my pubic bone area? WHAT is that? I have never had that before? Its like when you hit a nerve or something, not quite cramping, but not overly painful, just damn irritating. This is just now and again but is noticeable.

I am due AF tomorrow, but have no signs (apart from a bit of dropsy), I have no cramping, no sore boobs or nothing.

I tested probably middle last week but hey that musta been way too early, was just getting my hopes up i think!

Need some opinions, even if just on the "pinging" thing and look forward to getting to know you all so much better xxxxxxxxxx

Forgot to add that I don't really get any noticeable discharge and last week it was really white, thick (no smell) creamy texture then couple days later it was gloopy and clear, but loads of it, I thought I was getting AF early it was that "wet", then its gone creamy again but not so thick?
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Hello! Im new as well, I'm mummy to a 5yr old and I'm currently ttc. I don't know what the pinging thing is but all of your symptoms sound really good so my advice to you would be do another test!! As you are due on tomorrow it should give you pretty accurate results. Good luck!!
Hi and thanks for the reply! Although we are of the category "just see what happens" it's still kinda scary to think that your body could be giving you signals this early! With my daughter I didn't find out til I was about 6-7 weeks as i wasn't really paying attention, so I wasn't aware of the signs! But will probably wait a couple more days let the "AF due date" pass and see what's what!

Liz xx
Hi Hun, all sounds good to me, the only pain in the bum is that af signs are very much like pg signs but as you don't normally get any then I think I would be questioning them too!!

I know the pinging feeling, it's like something twisting in ur belly, could it be implantation??

When will u test again if af doesn't come tomorrow???

Good luck lovely! Xx
Hi Twinkles, yeah that sensation could be described as a twisting or like something getting pulled (like pinging an elastic band then letting it go back). It's really weird and never had that before. I have no idea what implantation would feel like as like I say, I never noticed with my daughter!

Also I wouldn't describe it as being in my belly, more like .... (picture this now........).........halfway between belly button and vagina (?) but to the left, like at the top of the point where the thigh meets the hip? Jeez it's so difficult to explain where it is!

If AF doesn't show tomorrow, I might test Friday morning. Have ordered some IC's so they should be here by Friday. If AF does show then at least I'll have a little stash for coming months!

Yea you explained it spot on, I had it a few times over a few days, normally in bed at night, I don't know what it was but that's the only thing I have read, or an egg being released....

Will be stalking your thread for a test on fri! X
Good luck for tomorrow, I am also due on then x
Yeah it could be described vaguely as an egg being released but in a different area. Like it's travelled down but stopped? lol Will keep you all posted and will definitely stick around on the website, this seems like a really friendly nice place to chat!
Poppy have you had any signs or symptoms? How long is your usual cycle? I'm new to all this "tracking" stuff lol
I usually have a 28 day cycle. I have had loads of symptoms this month, This is my 8th cycle and 9th month ttc. My symptoms have been, bad back, sore nipples, sensitive nipples, creamy cm, weird taste in my mouth (only in the evenings), been super hungry and headaches. This better be the month!!

Your symptoms sounds good,if you don't catch the eggy this month then you could always try opk's so you can track your monthly ovulation cycles. Good luck x
Good luck poppy!

Roll n Friday liz!

Stick around whatever the result, all the girls on here are lovely, I'm learning all the time, even learnt a new language in the form of 'pregnancy'

Good luck poas, hope af the witch doesn't get you, will be checking in on fri and fingers crossed for your BFP! ha ha xx
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Yeah I looked at buying some of those, would I be fine with just the IC's for the OPKs? Or would you recommend more expensive ones?
I used the first response ones but they are quite expensive, I have some ICs to use next month (hopefully I won't need them!)

Some of the girls use the clear blue ones they have the :) face but I have not personally used them.

I also use conceive plus and take pregnacare supplements x
Liz all these signs sound very positive. If you are currently 12dpo then you should definitely test again. The pains I currently have in my abdomen feel more like an ongoing stitch and is sometimes quite dull, hurts when I cough aswell (I had this when I was pregnant with both my other children).

As for the diarrhoea, your bowels can be affected during early pregnancy so this may also be a positive symptom.

I highly recommend you do a test tomorrow and let us all know the results : )

Good luck hun xx
Hi ladies, just for fun, i done my free weekly tarot (which is a day by day tarot for the week) and was actually laughing when I seen the results..what do you make of this lol:-

Your reading for the week:

The Hanged Man has temporarily surrendered to his fate. On Monday rather than try to push forward without the proper information or the necessary tools, he conserves his energy until the time comes when he can snap into action. Standing still is not a step backward; it is a time of preparation.

Tuesday you may be impatient but time will provide the key to understanding what you need to do. Justice reminds you that a cycle of destiny has been completed and you may now sit back and wait for a brand new cycle to begin. The present needs to evolve further before it can be judged.

If you encounter a bully you can quickly turn this situation around. When Strength appears the past is playing a part in the day's scenario. Wednesday a friend could return and the encounter will encourage you to stick with your own convictions. It seems that you can overcome all opposition today.

Thursday something that has been seemingly lost resurfaces. The Devil clouds perception and it is difficult to see the whole picture. He may instill the hope that what was lost can be recovered. The chains that hold you to the past are loose, you can slip them off at anytime.

Wishing on a The Star could trigger an out of the ordinary event. It could be Friday that you suddenly know you are on the right path to a longed-for new chapter in your life. Friday all the proper ingredients are at your disposal and you find yourself mixing a magical elixir that will lead you to your new destination.

The weekend gets a flying start when on Saturday the hint of a new relationship is in the air. It could be someone from the past, or you get the feeling that a past experience is about to be replayed wearing a new face. This new person adds another dimension of worldliness to your life without you leaving home.

The winds of change are blowing as you sit high up on The Wheel of Fortune. There is a hint in the wind that as you make that downward ascent that there will be a challenge waiting, but for now all is well. Sunday you are riding on the winds of success, but true to form the wheel will once more turn.

Sounds fun!!

Liz xx

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