hi im new on here and need some opinions pretty please xx


Feb 17, 2009
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me and my partner are trying for baby mumber 2 and have been for about 6 months now
my periods are usually bang on time and i never get period pains
myperiod is now 9 days late and for 2 weeks ive been having twinges cramps bloating face is breaking out, boobs are sore and i have been feeling sick when i smell food but.... all 12 pregnancy tests are negative!

with my first didnt get a positive until test number 16 and i was then 6 weeks pregnant.
in your opinion what do you think?
could i be pregnant or not?
i am going to see my doctor on thursday morning x
someone please answer x
There is no reason why your not pg. There have been some ladies on here who have had bfn's and then a blood test from the Dr has confirmed a pregnancy. This has just happened with Fairymoon in Tri 1. She has been sterilized but thought she was pg. The tests were neg but she knew something was wrong. It was only when she insisted the Dr did a blood test that it confirmed she was pg.
thanks for your reply, so in your opinion do you think i may be pregnant? i have a doctors apointment on thursday to discuss why my period has not come and everything, should i ask for a blood test?
You could just be having a long cycle. The only way to tell for sure is to have a blood test, unless af raises her ugly head before then.
i agree with spaceangel, ask for a blood test - good luck x
Sounds possible, esp as this happened with your first one.
Good luck with the blood test!
definately possible that you are pg, especially as you didn't have a positive home test until 6 weeks with your first.
i would ask your gp for a blood test, which is more sensitive
good luck :)

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