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hey ladies just a few questions

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as some may know my baby is 6 weeks old, but after my 12 months of healing we are going to try for a boy :lol:

im planning on dieting and excerising to get fit and healthy ready for ttc. but as last one wasnt planned i have no idea on the idea of ttc... like when to do it, what i should be eating, all this implantation bleeding. i feel totally clueless :?

any one got any hints and tips they would like to share to improve our chances.

love elaine

good luck every one *baby dust* to all
Well I read that there are ways in which you can cop for a boy, as ther boy sperm is faster but dyes quicker, and female sperm is slow but lives longer, So to bd on the day of ovulation will in theory get you a boy, and dojng it a few days before ovulation will get you a girl.. wives tale possibility!
You oughta start taking folic acid now too, or at least 3 months before you ttc, plenty of yoga(go get a yoga ball and pump from Argos for a fiver)strech you body into all sorts of weird positions to help in your next pregnancy. make lovely home made smoothies, with plenty of great veggies in them, avacado, cucmber, carrots, ginger etc.
and im sure you remember that ovulation is usually around day 14 of your cycle lol! :) probably no help at all there but hey, thats my routine! most of all, have fun and enjoy whatever you do, dont make bd'ing a chore :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
oh thanks, yeah yoga wud be brill, as i ached so much during pregnancy. im going to have a painfree one next time lol

shall also get some folic acid, any other vits worth taking? or any thing i shud avoid?

love elaine
Well I take calcium, because my gran lost all her teeth after she had my dad because he zapped all her calcium, so i figure I dont want no teeth by the age of 21. There are vitamin suppliments for pregnant women, but I dunno about ttc women, or before ttc. Im ttc and all i take is calcium and folic acid. I dont like milk very much lol. Apparently vitamin A isnt so good for you, I forget why but avoid that. I really should do some more research. And yeh, plenty of yoga will do wonders. I will be doing quite a bit because I am about 2 stone overweight, and apparently you should only be 8lbs overweight or underweigh for your height etc before you ttc, but I say stuff that, If you feel healthy no matter your weight then do it, if you arent fit and active then you have plenty of time to get fit and active, I have two dogs so they keep me busy. Sorry my advice sucks lol, Im telling you things you already know :) take care Elaine and have fun!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
noo.... your advice has been brill... thanks

:shock: no teeth.... *grabs coat* gone to buy calcium lol

yay were getting a dog soon... cant wait, will get lots of exercise then
I love my dogs loads, they are great company, great for excerise and Alana will love it! Be careful of the fur, long fur can get into you little ones throat and food. Im gona let someone else have a go at advice now lol, im all adviced out :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhave a good one!
My only advice would be to take clearblue pregnancy vitamins (4.99 per month from sainsburys) to keep your body all nice and primed. It has the folic acid and isn't as strong as pregnacare.

Also don't go on the pill between now and then to keep your system ticking over nicely.

The main thing is to not worry too much about charting and temps at this stage. You're obviously highly fertile and it would be a lot more fun to go with the flow than to start doing it at set times.

If you are very determined to go for a boy then having sex on the day of or before ovulation is the way to go, so you would have to take your temperatures in the couple of months leading up to TTC so you know when that is.

Best of luck to you and make sure you relax and have fun!
My advice is to take your vits but to also get you OH on vits.. I was told Zinc gets his fishes in nice working order... Also one called selenium....

Also don't expect to ovulate on day 14... my cycle is between 27 and 28 days - no shorter and no longer. I was told i'd ovualte on day 14 but i don't... i ovulate around day 11 to 12... watch out for the symptoms... egg white cervical mucus, dull period like pains (mine only last a few hours) Sainsburys ovulation kits are good and you get a pregnancy test with every kit they cost £11.99. You can get them cheaper on the net but i prefer sainsburys the lines are so much more clearer...

We tend to BD a day or 2 before ovulation and then 2 or 3 days covering ovulation.... as soon as you get those 2 lines on your ovualtion kit you'll ovulate between 12 and 36 hours after... but i don't know how this is worked out as i do my test after work at 6pm... what would happen if i did it in the morning at 6am? is anyone knows more can they let us know - cheers!

Melanie if you find out why we shouldn't take Vit A would you let us know - we take vit A and i'm now a little concerned.

happy BDing

I was also reading up on this before we started ttc. I niaively thought that as I conceived my daughter whilst on the pill and using condoms, that it would be simple once we started trying. So, as I have a 12 year old daughter already, I started reading up on how to conceive a boy this time around.

Melanie is dead right about the boy and girls sperm, not an old wives tale at all. Believe it or not, it also helps with the position you BD in as well. :oops: Have a look at this:

Frequency and Timing of Intercourse:

Shettles says in order to increase the chances of having a boy, you should have sex now earlier than 24 hours before ovulation to 12 hours after ovulation.

Intercourse closer to ovulation the faster but less robust Y (boy) sperm. The cervical mucus present at ovulation is less acidic and "slippery" enough to help the Y (boy) sperm reach the egg more quickly.

Sexual Position:

Shettles suggests that if you are trying to conceive a boy, deep penetration from your partner, preferably with the "doggy style" position, will deposit the sperm closer to the cervix giving the more aggressive and quicker moving "boy" sperm a head start to fertilizating the egg first.

Sex and Orgasms:

When trying to conceive a boy, Shettles suggests that orgasms during sex are a good thing as the body produces substances after orgasm that makes the vaginal environment more alkaline, which favors the "boy" sperm.

The contractions which accompany an orgasm help move the sperm up and into the cervix, giving the "boy" sperm an extra chance at being available when your egg is available for fertilization.

Considerations for the Men:

Have your partner wear boxers. Wearing tight fitting underwear increases the heat levels around the testes and can, in turn, lower the sperm count. Wearing loose fitting underwear helps keep the testes cooler.

Have your partner drink a caffeinated beverage right before sex. This makes the Y-Sperm more active.

Hmm, there's more to this ttc than first meets the eye!!!!
Argh!! I just typed this info once, and accidently cleared it!! Here goes, again!!

Here is some info I found about vitamin A:

"This vit needs to be mentioned because there is a lot of confusion about its use before and after pregnancy. Many health practitioners now advise that no vit A is taken during pregnancy. This advice is incorrect, and it can be dangerous to assume that any vit or other nutrient should be avoided during the gestational period. Vit A has important antioxidant properties, and the consequences of vit A deficiency during pregnancy can be devastating. For one thing, vit A is essential for healthy eyes. Animal studies show that vit A deficiency during pregnancy has produced new-born animals with no eyes, eye defects, undescended testes and diaphragmatic hernias.

It is only when the vit A is in the form of retinol (in other words, the animal form of vit A) that there is a problem. It has been found that retinol can cause birth defects if taken in excess of 10,000iu a day. Beta-carotene, which is one of the vegetable forms of vit A, does not carry any risks."

So basically, avoid foods such as liver and pate, and get scoffing your carrots, asparagus and brocolli etc!!!!!

Hope this helps, it certainly made it clearer for me!!

Em xx
that would be it! LOL sorry I don't really pay attention when I read.. naughty me, But at least I didnt make it up, I have read it is bad for you, but im thinking it wouldnt be so widely available if it was THAT bad, i must have my ovulation head on! LOL :p

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