He's not right ..


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Can anyone help, LO is fine in him self but he keeps making noises like he's kinda chocking on something even though he hasn't got anything in his mouth and then after every meal he's a bit sick (never usually) and he's got s lot of wind and when he burps he's bringing up a bit of sick! Anyway got any clue what this is, or why? And if u think I should take LO docs? Thanks x
sounds to me just like a jippy tummy, just keep plenty of fluids in to flush it out :) doesnt sound like anything to worry about hun xxx
sorry no idea, maybe he has swollen throat perhaps? thhat could cause some weird noises? May aswell take him to the doc if you feel not right, better just to get a little check?
Thanks! He's not grumpy at all! So it can't be bothering him too much! Just not him! Anyway will give it few days lots of fluids and take docs if no better x
as long as its not annoying him, u checked his temp in both ears?? xx
Charley's always making noises like that, someone called him Donald duck the other day! Lol
Not sure with the sickness part though, maybe he is coming down with something
Oscar is more sicky now he's on 3 meals a day, esp when he's sitting down and bending over loads come out sometimes but I think it's just coz he's more active now and pushes it back up lol

He's always making weird noises too, and coughing. My mum asked me recently if he's started his coughing phase yet coz apparently they start coughing just coz it's new and they can lol

Like piglet said if a temp get him checked out, if not just keep an eye on him but he's prob ok hun

amelia fake coughs all the time she has been copying her great gran lol and makes some weird noises x
My baby did that ages ago. my wifes hair was halfway down his throat. we managed to pull it out. it was such a small thing but did irritate him. im sure it would of eventually gone down but was quite long. if in doubt take to doctors so they can look down their throat
Thanks all! Temp was fine :) and he's back to normal now (still with the little cough) so he mist be going through his coughing phase ha xx

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