

Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2011
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Sticky situation...

My sister lived over in N.I and has 2 children. 1 of which is her ex partners and 1 of which isnt. Her ex partner was very abusive he hurt her and the kids and came in drunk at god knows what time in morning. She got moved over here by social services & womens aid once she decided to leave. She has been in a refuge for about 2 months. she tried to file an injuction against him but couldnt as he had no home or solicitor :/. On boxing day she recieved a summonds for her to go to court in N.I and shes not allowed to leave until case is settled. This is for access. She does not want to go as she is real fear of her life as his involved with the IRA people or whatever. Solicitors over here says she must go other she might face jail...but she is terrified for her life she has nobody over there to help and she cant afford to get there as shes in the wrong apparently :/.

Oh dear what an awful situation. I would say go to citizens advice or legal aid. If she was moved here by women's aid, there is proof something was seriously wrong and I'm sure our government or certain. Baritones will offer help for her. Hope all turns out ok xxxx
this is awful... I understand that she is bound by the summons however I would assume that she can go to police for protection whilst she is in N.I?

I don't understand how they found her to serve her with a summons if she has been moved via womens aid? Has she at some point contacted him with her details>?
I agree that she should get back in contact with womens aid. They moved her so they will know the whole story, and she should update them.

As for the IRA, I know people who were associated with them and other paramilitary groups (I live in Belfast) and if the group has heard of any violence towards women or children, the man involved has got a punishment beating or been *asked kindly* to relocate. So she doesn't need to worry about them. If he is telling her he'll get them on her, he's full of shit.

She needs to contact the people who moved her, so they can organise her protection from this man while she's over here.

I hope all works out for her. X

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I would also be tempted to seek advice from the domestic violence unit from the local police force x
Hi Thats terrible and so stressful for her.
NI courts are far behind us and unfortunately the GB citiszens advice cannot act in an NI case . Try to find the local bodies over there and petition the court to say that atttending the hearings are to difficutl and can the case be moved or done via corespondence.
It just seems very harsh to be dragging her over there.

Just hope its over very quickly and she can get on with her life.
Has she tried legal aid?
xx Daisy
Daisy - NI is a part of GB. And the court system here isn't far behind anything. We're not a third world country!
Of course citizens advice in England can help someone in this girls situation, NI is under the same rule!

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Try welfare rights? I really don't know much about this type of thing so don't have much to suggest :S
Hope things get better for her!! X
i cant add to any of the girls have offered!! how is your sister? has thre been any more news or information??

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