

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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im 2 days late for my period yes i know not a big thing but...
im so tired all the time
cramps in my stomach
breasts hurt every now and again but not all the time
having headaches
i feel like im coming down with something like a cold
having a runny nose even though its warm outside
it takes me a hour to get to sleep and even then i wake up a hour eairlyer then my alarm and im still shatterd even tho during the weekend i have 12 hours sleep and i still want more sleep
ive been feeling sick on and off for about 2 weeks now

not sure what to do at all =/
hi i feel exactly the same i took a test but it was negative so it will try again this week and if its the same but i same having symptoms i will go doctors.take a test
Id definately test as you are 2 days late. Hope you get the result you want. x
hey girlys i took a test last night and guess what =]

i think its positive =]

its not as bold as the negative line but theres a deffo line there! and i could see it within under a min =]
not sure if i sould put a pic up so u guys could just confirm for me
bloody hell thats a strong BFP! im jealous haha congrats hun xxxxx
i was shaking so much yesturday and i have no idea why haha ive had so many negs over that past couple of months
its a 100% bfp hun get yourself a docs appointment xxxxx
that is 100% positive babe dont need to do another one but sure you will as i did about 5 ha ha ha x
congrats hun!! thats is definitely a positive test!! I did 3 before i finally believed it was correct lol! xx
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