Help with cycle!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Hi ladies, not been on here in ages! Got a quick question you might be able to help with. I've been ttc on and off for a year now and still breast feeding my toddler. I have periods now but not always regular. Im trying to track my cycle properly and was wondering if you started to bleed but so little you barely need a panty liner then after 3 days you are bleeding heavily with cramps when do you count as the first day of your period? This happens most months just now. Thanks x
No idea but wanted to say hello :D

I suppose I would count the small bleed as day 1 to track for a couple of months to see how it compares month on month
I always record the light panty liner days as spotting and the first day of proper bleeding as AF day 1. Even if you use FF or another app like that, it doesn't start CD1 until you get a proper flow xxxx
You count the first day of full flow as cycle day one, anything else is just spotting x
Thanks ladies, just so I know whether my cycle is 28 days or more like 32 which it was before. Maybe need to buy some of those stick things to find out if Im ovulating.
Hi Tinks, nice to see some old faces still here! X
I'm going to start opks next month I think as I was 28 days until we started ttc and now a day or two early or late so throws out my guesstimate of ov lol
Yeah it does throw things. Think I need to get a bit more serious over the next few months, wanted to be pregnant b4 ds is 2 really so they are still close in age, originally wanted 18 month age gap!

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