Unfortunately because a cold is a virus there isn't really much you can give in the way of medicines, but I would recommend lots of TLC and mummy cuddles to start off with.
Make sure you elevate the top end of her cot, I prop ours up with 2 very thick Stephen King books one under each leg, this helps to keep her mucus and less blocked up. I also put a couple of drops of baby olbas oil onto her sleeping bag to help her breathe and keep un-blocked. Calpol will help to keep down her temperature and if you need to you can also give Ibuprofen but I would probably only use both when absolutely necessary. I would be tempted to give Ibuprofen a go but leave out the calpol, some babies react better to ibuprofen and some prefer calpol. Use a nasal aspirator when she's blocked quite badly, she will cry a lot but it will be much better afterwards.
Hope she soon gets better.