Help! Scan 95th centile but bump now shrunk below 10th!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2016
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Hey ladies!

I'm in need of some reassurance...or if anyone else is in similar position that would be great!

Bumps been measuring on 50th centile all the way through...had a scan 36+2 which showed baby was huge at 7lb2oz placing it on 95th centile. Just seen mw at 37+1 and bump has shrunk 1cm and puts me below 10th centile line!

Problem is she plotted me wrong on the chart at 34cm so when I asked if 32 was ok she looked at graph and said it's fine if there's a curve....but had she done it right it shows a decline! So now I'm quite worried....

How can scan show massive and bump be shrinking :shock: thanks ladies xx
I didn't know bump size corresponded to centile?

Don't pay too much attention to it. With both my pregnancies I got measure small, big, spot on and one day one midwife measured me 2wks behind and a few hours later at hospital another midwife measured me and I was bang on.

The day my daughter was born we had a scan and I got told she is about average and will be similar birth weight to her sister who was 7lb 5oz. Well later that day I gave birth to an 8lb 14oz 59cm long baby!!

try not to worry
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They told me my son was going to be big. 10lb + and it may be difficult for me.... he was born at 7lb 2 lol they get it wrong all the time!
I really wouldn't worry, as the others have said it's all so inaccurate and you just won't know until baby arrives. The way your bump measures can be affected by so many things including the position baby is lying in etc. It's handy as a rough indication but I really wouldn't fret! x
Thanks ladies :) I was in a bit of a fret after the scan/midwife but feeling much better now having spoken to people :D xx

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