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Help please im sad!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Hello ladies

I need your support, my bf had to leave for work at 5 this morning until late thursday or early friday :( and its our first night apart in almost two and a half years, and im sooo scared and sad. I feel like my heart just gave out and i cant stop crying.
I know i'm gonna miss him so much and its not so much during the day its when he doesnt come home form work and eating dinner by myself and waking up with him not here :cry: . I just need to know what others do in this situation cuz i know some people can care less and others like me have a break down. I know Layla went through this not long ago and i have no idea how she did it, hes only been gone a half hour and im going mad.

Sorry to vent so much but i had to get this out and talk to someone :oops: . If any one can help please reply.

Thank you girls for listening, luv Katrina :( :cry: :(
awww babe, i know how you feel!!!

its horrible isnt it, but you will get through this i promise!
you just need to tell yourself, its only 3 days, you will be fine.
you wont belive it at first but after a while you will, try to make sure your busy, find something to do, even if its just going for walks.

have you got any friends or fmaily close by that can stay with you or that you can go and visit?

at night, try to go to bed early, then morning comes quicker and its another day gone, i found sleeping with hte tv on low helped me, made me not so worried about being by myself.

im here if you need to chat hun, i wont tell you to be strong or anything coz i know its just not that easy

Thanks hun

Its been another hour and i feel so sick to my stomach but havent pucked yet... i made us breakfast in bed this morning so at least i ate before he left. Well all i can say is i hope these next few days fly by, my dog wont leave me alone he knows im sad and he keeps whinning.
umm i have friends near me but most of them work and the others are two buses away. My best friend wants to come cook dinner for me tonight, she knows i wont be able too, its funny how your friends know you so well. My bf promised he'd phone me when he gets there (its a 12 hour drive) and hes gonna give me the hotel number which i hopefully wont phone oto much. My dad wants me to stay with him bbut i know ill just cry even more being back home is so stressful and no matter where i am doesnt help the fact that he wont be in my arms tonight, which is how we always fall asleep. :( Hopefully my dog will let me snuggle lol
Well im gonna take the dog to the bathroom and try and lay down cuz i have not slept all night and it was 3 in the morning when i started cooking breakfast.
Talk to you soon and thanks again , you'll prob hear from me soon.
I know just how you feel, saulino, I felt the same way a few months ago when my husband went to belgium for four days and I stayed behind.

I would have been bored there, with not much to do in a strange city and nowhere to crash if I felt tired, so I decided to stay at home.

But it was the first time since we had gotten engaged (about 18 months) since we had been apart for any length of time, and I nearly went crazy without him!

It taught me a real lesson about how "independent" I really am, and how we have to lean on others sometime in our lives and how in marriage it's okay to lean a little on the other person, but not too much!

Feel free to PM me if you need to, and in the meantime, get out and do stuff like going swimming or walking or visiting parents or relatives. I stayed with my SIL one of the nights hubby was away and I went shopping another day.

And plan a nice surprise dinner ( or if you are too tired book a romantic meal) or some other kind of reception for him when he comes back - like an erotic massage and some scented candles etc etc...

:oops: :evil:

Hi Saulino,
I know how you feel, my husband goes to England every four weeks for at least three days and I really hate it. He is going away tomorrow and I am already dreading it. Although I always think that it makes me appreciate him much more and we spend good quality time together when he comes home.
While he is away I cope by visiting my friends and family, or I get a film out that I know he wouldn't want to watch and slob in front of the TV with my pyjamas and a huge bar of chocolate. :D
Well i made it throught he two and a half very long days and nights.
My bf phoned me at 4 last night and said he was an hour away so i was so excited and started making a nice dinner for us, then he phoned 45 min later and the work truck broke down an hour away from home :(
I was so upset. He endedv up coming home at 8PM we ate dinner he had a bath and a cold beer and we both spend some time together not much though cuz we were both so tired from not sleeping much the last few days we passed out at 9:30pm which is so early for me.
But he says he'll never go away for work again cuz he missed me too much and couldnt sleep. Im just glad i wasnt the only one.
Thank you so much for your replys you made me feel much better.
Katrina :D
glad your ok Katrina

its so spooky how the same things happen to both us of, same birthdays , same due dates, and my other half was late coming back when he went away coz of the car crash so i didnt end up seeing him till ate either.

wonder who will go in to labour first!
You sweet thing!! awww....

The best thing to do it take a different approach to this. This is quality time for you. This does not mean you don't love him but it is only healthy for you to be independent aswell.

If it makes you feel any better.... I have not seen my other half for 5 weeks and he will not be here with me for over a week from now. I miss him like crazy, but I know that he loves me/ misses me and visa versa.
I love the break (NOT FOR THIS LONG MIND YOU!!) I am a very independent person though, and even like to go for dinner alone sometimes, just to think about the life I am living and reflect on everything in my life!!! IT's GREAT!!

I say.. light some candles, have a bath, take out your nail polish, put on a face mask and rent some funny movies!! ENJOY THIS TIME!!!

Tineke oxox
Lol Layla, thats a good wuestion who will go into labour first?????, i'de really be freaked if we had our babys on the same day......you never know with us.
Well i guess well just have to wait and see. :D
oh and Tineke, thats great your so independant, i hate being alone, and i just love having the company of my bf, and i hate going anywhere alone even for a walk i get bored lol.
Well talk to you guys soon.

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