Help please b/feeding


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
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Suggestions please. My wee one is 4 weeks and exclusively bf since birth. He's a good suckler but rarely falls asleep feeding apart form lying down in bed. He becomes fussy so I take him off (usu feeds 40-60 mins every 2-3hours). I then get ten mins peace before he's screaming. This has went on for weeks - surely he can't be hungry every time or he'd be on me all the time.
Is it wind? Is he a suckler and should I get a dummy? Does Infacol work?
My baby is 8 weeks and is on me all evening. During the day is every hr or so. She has trouble bringing up her wind which made her cry so I gave inficol and it did help. Gripe water is very good also x
I've given Infacol tonight so we will see what happens. He was screaming the house down tonight so I had to give him a dummy. Did settle him for about 30mins then he spat it out and he's on me again
i got told that infacol had to build up in their system so you may have to use it for a little while before you see any results
Yeh hv said 72 hours so we will see. He's 4 weeks today so can now have gripe water so if no better by Saturday I will try that. I'm going out to meet girls for a coffee today so if the car doesn't soothe him to sleep I've got the dummy on standby! I've fed him all morning and he's come off himself now so I'm guessing he's had enough. Plus surely I need at least a few hours off the breast at some point in the day! Xx
I expect it's wind- try to keep him upright for longer after a feed. Also maybe you don't need him on the breast for that long as it he might be napping on the job! When my lo was that age he usually only fed properly for 15-20 mins then was just comfort sucking- it made a big difference when I realised that! Have you got any breastfeeding groups nearby? They could help with the latch to limit the amount of wind he takes in.
At 4 weeks my lg was on me all evening, every evening. Didn't last forever!
At 10 months, DS2 was still feeding every 2 hours day and night! :wall2: but he was a very efficient feeder, 20 mins tops as I have a good flow and he was able to get the mixture of fore and hind milk. If he's on for that long and still seeming hungry, I would get him checked for tongue tie and try a bf support group to check your latch. Failing that, go to a lactation consultant as they will be more qualified to advise. Some are voluntary but some you do have to pay for

4 weeks is pretty young. He may grow out of it on his own in a couple of weeks. Do you notice if he is actually feeding or just comfort sucking? They learn to suck without actually getting milk if they just want to use you as a dummy :). There is nothing wrong with letting them comfort suck except that it can get wearing on you. It could also be that he struggles with wind or reflux and that feeding or the sucking action helps to settle it. I found DD would get stuck into a bit of a cycle where he got tummy ache and feeding helped to settle it but then as he digested the milk 10 or 15mins later it made the tummy ache worse and he would want to feed again. I started letting him feed as long as he wanted but then once he fed making him wait an hr before the next feed and it seemed to work better for us. Sometimes you need to experiment a bit with what is best for you. I read something about plain water working just as well as gripe water or medications for a lot of babies so I tried that and it worked really well for settling his tummy and expelling the gas. I just put a tiny bit in a bottle and gave it to him. You do have to be careful at that age not to give them too much water.
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My son did this and later on I though it could be because he was getting too much foremilk or the other and it may had something to do with my letdown. If unsure I would say this is the time to speak to a lactation consultant, I gave up not long after because I couldn't even make myself something to eat and it was driving me insane. But that resulted in ready milk on demand and that has cost me a good fortune so I regret it so so so much never tried seeing the lactation consultant before giving up as it could've saved me so much money and ball ache trying him to get off the bottle!


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