help needed please !!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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can u get pregnant if u have unprotected sex during the last few days of ur period. my dp and i have just done the above and im just about to finish my period ??? am i at risk ???

Rhian xx
Hi Rhian,

Well, technically, you CAN get pregnant, even during your period, but it's highly unlikely. The risk of getting pregnant is not because you ovulate during your period, but because sperm can last in your body for a few days, so might still be viable after your period is finished.

Women in general, no matter what the length of their menstrual cycle tend to ovulate 14 days (some are 12-14 days) before the start of their NEXT period. If you had this period - bleeding - for, say 5-7 days and you added 14 days to that, you would need to have a mentrual cycle 21 days or shorter to have ovulated during your period (very unlikely) or just after (perhaps more likely). Are your cycles usually as short (i.e. do you normally have a period every 3 weeks)?

The "risky" thing is that sperm can last in your body for a few days (some say it can last for 5 days). This means that if you bleed for 7 days and the sperm lasts to, say, day 10 and you ovulate on or before then, then you could be pregnant (but again, that would only be probable if your cycle length was usually around 24 days in total).

Sperm usually only survive in the female tract for a number of days if conditions are good. Conditions are good for sperm just before ovulation, not normally when you're bleeding.

I know, all of this sounds confusing, but I'd say although there is always a risk from having unprotected sex, the risk in your case here seems very low.

Remember that if you ever find yourself in this situation again, where you have unprotected sex and don't want to risk being pregnant that you can buy the morning after pill direct from a pharmacist (you do not need a prescription if you're willing to pay). It costs around £25 and can be taken up to 72 hours after sex. The coil can also be fitted up to 5 days after to prevent pregnancy, but you'd need to see a doctor for this.

I hope this helps.


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