Hi Nanny,
I'm glad you've found this forum. I found it after crying all day because I'd got my period again and was just surfing around trying to find some magic cure on the internet that would get me pregnant. Coming across this site at least made me realise I wasn't alone.
Were you on the pill before you started TTC? I was on the Depo injection and have been trying for 7 months now. My periods are pretty irregular too. I thought I was settling on a 21 day cycle but came on again this week after 11 days. Gutted. Really thought I was pregnant this time (again!).
Are you ovulating? You could try testing to see if you are, or doing your BBT etc.
A nurse told me that the man should eat lots of tuna, apparently it makes the sperm stronger.
Have you tried Agnes Castus? It's a herbal thing that is meant to regulate the cycle?
Hope you're ok, come on here anytime and rant and rave, it's healthy to get rid of all your frustration on like-minded strangers!