Help - Horrendous nappy rash


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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Hi all, I could really do with some advice. Yesturday morning my daughter woke with absolutely horrendous nappy rash. Big blaring spots, on the inner thighs there are big deep red rashes with scabs all over. Her face had a couple of blister type spots too. I took her to a GP in the afternoon who said it was just bad nappy rash and prescribed a steroid/anti-fungal cream. We piled it on last night and hoped for the best.

This morning it seems worse. The spots have spread around both of her thighs up to her bottom. Her face seems littered with more blister spots, as is the back of her neck and upper back. She also has a couple of spots on her feet. I have never known anything like it. Has anyone else experienced this? Could it be more than nappy rash?
I've not heard of babies getting nappy rash on their face and feet etc?!

If it's worse this morning I would definitely go back to the gp again.

Poor little mite :-( sounds horrible!

Yeah I'm taking her back this evening. There seems to be a rash spreading up her back. I'm not sure if it's chicken pox - if it were that surely she would be completely covered?
It can take a while for the rash to come out properly with chicken pox.

My lo had quite a few spots but he wasn't pickled in them. Apparently it's worse and you get more spots the older you get them.

Been back to see another GP who reckons she has impetigo :-(
Awww poor little thing.

I had a patch of that on my hand years ago.

Hope she's better soon!

Personally, I'm still not certain it is impetigo, but she has oral medication now that should kill off whatever has caused her spots and the nasty nappy rash. She obviously has some sort of infection. Good riddance, I hope!
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Mine started as a blister that would pop and then scab over. Then it would blister around the edge of the scab and then pop and scab over. Ended up with a pretty big patch on my hand,cwas gross!


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