Help! Could this be our rainbow?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
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I am going crazy because I have all these symptoms (nausea, hot flushes, period cramps and back ache on and off, tired feeling rough, increased urination) but I started testing ovulation on cd 11 - should have started testing from day 9 I think? (before giving birth to Harrison who we lost at 36 weeks 3 months ago I used to ovulate later on in cycle usually around cd 17) I went straight from low to peak on cd 13, (using clearblue dual) I thought it was odd but we had lots of sex for the next 3-4 days. My period was by ovulation peak due yesterday on cd 26 but my last cycle was 29 days long. So I tested on Monday with fmu and got a bfn but my symptoms were getting more and still no af so I took a test just now with very dilute urine.. And I can def see a very faint line!! I am so desperate for This! It took us over 3.5 years to concieve Harrison and went through IVF but conceived him naturally so he was our miracle.. I have lost all faith in my body but could this be our rainbow on just our 2nd month of trying!!?? 🙏🙏🙏🙏 this am with more concentrated urine I got 2 clear lines on my OPK (cheap strip) test, could this be a good sign?? I am terrified of getting my hopes up because I can't deal with any more heartbreak but the waiting is killing me! I just wish I knew when my period was def due!

Any thoughts would be great, I am struggling

Lou xx
Hi lou,

So lovely to see you posting. Your symptoms definitely sound very promising. And it's obviously very possible you could be pregnant. Your body knows what to do now!! It depends on how long your LP is when your period is due but even if it was 14 days that would be tomorrow! Could you post the picture for us to have a wee look?

I really do have everything crossed for you. I so hope this is your rainbow! Xx
Hi mrss15

Thank you x well before harrison it was usually 12 my LP but this is my first month trying using ovulation tests so I don't know if it can change after you have had a baby? I have never ovulated that early before and my cycles before and since harrison have always been about 30 days... This waiting is tough! Getting my hopes up is tough! I just have all these symptoms!! I will just have to wait and try with FMU tomorrow, hopefully I will have an answer by then!

Lou x
Hi Loubalouba, this does sound promising - would be helpful if we could see a pic? Otherwise test tomorrow with FMU. Think positive thoughts :)

My cycles have gotten longer after pregnancy.

I have absolutely everything crossed for you! xxx
Just through ttc the last 16 months my cycle has went from 28 days to anywhere between 24 and 29 days, with a LP of 11-14 days. After each m/c that's when I've noticed a change in my cycles, so you could well be the same hun. Do you still have the test we could see? I would definitely try and test with a frer so you know either way. Will have everything crossed for you xxx
Hope this is the start of a bfp for you xx
You can't see it on a pic it's that faint!! Here is a pic, it's the test in the middle!

My hubby can see it so I know it's not me just imagining it but it is super faint which is either a bad sign or it's really early and my urine was too dilute, will just have to try with fmu and pray for a visibly noticeable line!! I really hate this! I wish I could confidently know when my period was due but I have only had one cycle since harrison and not done ovulation testing until this month and then started testing too late grrrrr I hate this in limbo land!

I wonder why my opk line was so dark with more concentrated urine? I have done another since with dilute urine and that was a very faint line.

Going crazy...

Lou x


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Best pic I could get! Don't think you will see it :(


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The opk I took with more concentrated urine, took another one with same urine as frer and very faint 2nd line on that one.


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You can't see it on a pic it's that faint!! Here is a pic, it's the test in the middle!

My hubby can see it so I know it's not me just imagining it but it is super faint which is either a bad sign or it's really early and my urine was too dilute, will just have to try with fmu and pray for a visibly noticeable line!! I really hate this! I wish I could confidently know when my period was due but I have only had one cycle since harrison and not done ovulation testing until this month and then started testing too late grrrrr I hate this in limbo land!

I wonder why my opk line was so dark with more concentrated urine? I have done another since with dilute urine and that was a very faint line.

Going crazy...

Lou x

I think I can see something on that middle test.... I hope I don't just have line eye. I really hope this is it for you x x x
Bfn this am and nausea less so I think something tried to happen :( just wish I would get my period now because we are using our last embryo on this next cycle and I really just want to focus on that now.... I really hate being back on this rollercoaster, it's so much harder whilst dealing with the loss of our boy, I feel emotionally exhausted! Please period just arrive so I can ring and book embryo transfer! Uuuugggghhhh

Thank you for your support ladies x
You never know give it a few days and you might get a clear positive. Good luck with everything x
So all symptoms disappeared today and AF arrived tonight! :( I am emotionally drained.. Phoned the fertility nurse so embryo transfer in a few weeks, I just pray it works because I really need some hope/positivity in my life and I am not sure how much more of this journey I can cope with.
Sending you virtual hugs. I really hope it works for you lovely xx
Really sorry - I had my fingers crossed for you :hugs:
Oh Loubalouba I'm so sorry :-( I was really excited when I saw you had posted! Sounds like a chemical maybe? Xx
So sorry to hear this, i hope your embryo is a lucky one x

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