
Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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Hi, I have been trying to conceive on and off for about 18 months now (on and off) We have not taken protection in that time although I have only been monitoring my ovulation period etc for the past 5 months or so. When I fell pregnant with my first child 9 years ago I was 26 and got my BFN within 2 months of coming off the pill. I didn't know I was pregnant until 6 weeks as we were not really trying for a baby at that point. It was only when i realised my period was really late and my boobs were really sore that my friend suggested I test! I was pregnant and had a healthy baby girl. Now I am trying again but nothing seems to be happening!!! My AF is due on Saturday but for the last week my boobs have been really overly sore. Sometimes for a couple of days maximum before my period they can be a bit sensitive but they are not like this normally, no where near as bad... It hurts to wear a seatbelt even and they hurt like when i was pregnant before! This morning I had some really unusual headaches but that could just be coincidence. Last time I was pregnant I had 2 days of really awful stomach cramps to which I was nearly in tears with but they didnt arrive until I was about 6 weeks and I cant be that far gone even if I was pregnant (which I hope will happen soon) Anyway sorry for rambling on... I just wanted to ask if anyone conceived quick the first time and much longer the second time and if so how much longer? Thanks in advance for any advice. :)
think you mean BFP.

i concieve my first within 6 months, but trying for my 2nd we are heading over 18 months now.
Hi Hypnorm, thanks for your reply. Hmmm same here, im worried there is something wrong (though i have no symptoms) My mum said that this is quite normal. I am 35 and 36 in December and of course I suppose things are slowing down :roll: How old are you if you dont mind me asking? Do you know anyone that took so long to conceive after their first? Have you had any tests done or tried any fertility treatment at all?
Hi Sammy
I'm 36 in December too and TTCing no.2 also. With my first (he's 2yrs, 2 months now) we weren't even TTCing, fell pg and had the easiest, most straight forward pregnancy ever. Now have been TTC since January 07, and although I have been able to fall pg quite easily (so far, touch wood) I've had 2 unexplained mcs at 10 wks. So back to TTC again.

It is really hard, I know, especially when you feel that it coud have something to do with the fact that we're all getting older! Sorry I haven't got any answers for you, but just wanted to wish you good luck - I'm sure you'll get your BFP soon!

PS. Us ladies always blame ourselves for these things, but there are two people in this process, who knows, the problem may lie with the other half!
I'm 30.
No i wont be going down the IVF route or any fertility treatment.
I have one child and i should be thankfull for that.

Doctor was going to do a 21 day progesterone test on me but he said it would be a waste of time as my cycles are very irregular.

He suggested my hubby ger tested but i don think we will be doing that.

So we are still trying but if it happens it happens if it doesnt it doesnt sorta thing.

Just glad we have Ewan, I'd love another but it its not meant to be then i am happy with that.
first time I got pregnant whilst having about 2 AF a year, using a condom, drinking and smoking and doing everything else you aren't meant to do :oops:

This time it's been a bit more difficult - it's the way it happens sometimes after 12 months they suggest you visit your doctor, but my v positive v helpful doctor simply said give it a little longer and don't panic just yet :hug:
Hi hun -

Conceived second cycle first time round. Heading into cycle number 8 this time, but undergoing tests at the moment.

Conceived Isaac within 6wks of TTC, this time it's longer now, I don't know if it's because like libs mentioned, lifestyle? I drank, smoke and ate rubbish when TTC Isaac, and it happened quick, now I don't drink or smoke, though still eat a bit of rubbish hehe
My cousin had her son and 11yrs later is still TTC her 2nd child :shock: I sometimes worry about it going that way for me, but there's just no way of knowing, I guess just BD'ing and relaxing are the best methods of TTC at anytime? :hug:
Thanks to everyone that replied... its always helpful and sometimes reassuring to hear everyones comments. Please continue to leave your thoughts. Today my boobs are still really really sore! They have never been thbis bad since I conceived my first child but im not going to get my hopes up and start getting all obsessed! ha ha. My AF is due on Saturday so we will see. Fingers crossed. Looking forward to hearing from you all again and some new messages! x
No BFP for me this month! Not sure what the sore boobs are all about but been like it for a week and a half now!!! strange. Baby dust to all xxx
No BFP for me this month! Not sure what the sore boobs are all about but been like it for a week and a half now!!! strange. Baby dust to all xxx

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