Help/advice needed please!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Hi everyone,sorry for the length of this post in advance!! I have a 28day cycle, started ttc this month and used a cbfm. Didnt get any highs but got 2peak on cd9/10. dtd cd9/10/11. Have had a few signs, metallic taste in my mouth a few times, lots of cm basically every day since 1dpo,few twinges, very irritable and a few minor headaches.

I was quite hopeful but did frer yesterday 14dpo and got i was at dh aunts 50th last night and decided id have a drink, this turned into 1/4 bottle of vodka and partyin til 4am.

so....dh and i dtd last night and afterwards there was quite a lot of blood! now af is due on fri 3rd feb so thats is thr most likely explanation but (TMI) the blood didnt look like af blood it was very bright red like fresh blood if that makes sense?? Now there no blood today just cm again but im worried that despite my bfn yesterday i may be pregnant and we upset sometthing last nght?? what do u all think???? any advice welcome!!

Sorry again for how long this is!!!
Sorry I don't know the answer but I didn't want to read and run. It could be you tested too early hence the bfn. Not sure about the bleeding, I think it can happen sometimes. Sorry I can't be any more help. Good luck x
Thanks poppy, suppose I'll just have to wait and see. thanks for replying. x
hi hun , I had this once but I had got the bfp a few days before me and the hubby dtd and after I had a bleed went to the hos but the consultant said its quite common for that to happen , hope that helps , fx u get ur bfp x x
Have you tested again today hun?

I think it would be too soon to show a BFP if AF is not due untill 3rd Feb. My AF is also due Friday and I've had alot of pregnancy symptoms and spotting, I'm thinking its maybe implantation bleeding?! xxx
hey hun, somethign similar happened to me....showing bfn's on tests....then me and dh had sex and loads of bright red blood so i figured right thats af....but nothing at all next day...but af did come a couple of days later properly so it may just be the waiting game hun either for af or bfp to come.

Thanks girls, not goIng to test until af is late. X
Fine, little cm but no cramps etc. the only symptom giving me any hope is the strange taste that comes and goes. It's the only thing that can't be explained by anything else and ic never had it before! Time will tell! How are u feeling Poppy?
My weird tastes have gone, I had creamy cm last few days but had a little af feeling twinge about 20 mins ago so I keep going to the loo to check. Af is due Wednesday so would be a bit early. I have also had a weird back ache since Thursday evening so I'm praying that is a symptom! Xxx
Af is due for me today. Nothing as yet but I'm sure I can feel it coming as I have a 'full' feeling in my lower stomach. I hope she stays away. I'm testing in the morning if she doesn't arrive. Your not out until she comes. Good luck hun x

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