Hi everyone,sorry for the length of this post in advance!! I have a 28day cycle, started ttc this month and used a cbfm. Didnt get any highs but got 2peak on cd9/10. dtd cd9/10/11. Have had a few signs, metallic taste in my mouth a few times, lots of cm basically every day since 1dpo,few twinges, very irritable and a few minor headaches.
I was quite hopeful but did frer yesterday 14dpo and got bfn...so i was at dh aunts 50th last night and decided id have a drink, this turned into 1/4 bottle of vodka and partyin til 4am.
so....dh and i dtd last night and afterwards there was quite a lot of blood! now af is due on fri 3rd feb so thats is thr most likely explanation but (TMI) the blood didnt look like af blood it was very bright red like fresh blood if that makes sense?? Now there no blood today just cm again but im worried that despite my bfn yesterday i may be pregnant and we upset sometthing last nght?? what do u all think???? any advice welcome!!
Sorry again for how long this is!!!
I was quite hopeful but did frer yesterday 14dpo and got bfn...so i was at dh aunts 50th last night and decided id have a drink, this turned into 1/4 bottle of vodka and partyin til 4am.
so....dh and i dtd last night and afterwards there was quite a lot of blood! now af is due on fri 3rd feb so thats is thr most likely explanation but (TMI) the blood didnt look like af blood it was very bright red like fresh blood if that makes sense?? Now there no blood today just cm again but im worried that despite my bfn yesterday i may be pregnant and we upset sometthing last nght?? what do u all think???? any advice welcome!!
Sorry again for how long this is!!!