

New Member
Jun 18, 2013
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Hi everyone,
I've been reading this forum for a while and have found it really helpful, so I decided to join. My husband and I have been TTC for 10 months now, I've unfortunately had 2 miscarriages and feel very alone as no-one to talk to. My sister in law is expecting my nephew in 1 week, 1 week before my first baby was due to be born. I'm finding it such an emotional time. I also have a 1 year old niece on my husbands side (went along to her bday party a couple of weeks ago and everyone had a baby and everyone kept saying, it's about time you and husband had one, sometimes people can be so tactless!!!) my period is not due for 12 days, but I have had brown discharge today( sorry TMI), usually get this prior to my period, but surely this is too early!!! So confused!!!any advice would be really appreciated. Sorry for the long blog!! X
Hi and welcome! I don't have any advise sorry except to say I've also had x2 mc but do now have two gorgeous children and another on the way :) try and relax and it will happen for you xx
Hiya :wave:

I'm so sorry to hear about your mc's. I have no advice on the discharge I'm afraid but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum and wish you the best of luck TTC x
Hey, hope everything works out for you soon.

I've got 2 children, and had my 3rd miscarriage last month. Luckily I fell pregnant again this month, just hope this ones a strong one. Seems I can conceive easy enough, just can't make them grow.

Know what you mean about tactless people. I've pretty much been pregnant since March (with a 2 week break when I miscarried) and I've lost count of the number of times my mother in law tells me I had better be careful I don't get pregnant at my age! Of course I put on my fake smile, but I feel like saying I'm 35 not 50 you silly woman. Grrr.

Good luck, crossing my fingers for you x
Hi there. I am totally new to all of this but I read your post and felt a lot of empathy for you. I am sure that things will get better and you'll have what you want and deserve. I find that when something like this happens... everyone seems to unknowingly say the most inappropriate thing.. like for e.g. after an emotional discussion about marriage with the bf and everyone's like "oooh so when are you two getting married?" - don't think people realise the impact the things they say can have. anyway, I wish you all the best and im sure everyone on here will support you. ive been on here for a day and everyone has been wonderful xx
Hello guys how are you i am new to this sites please need me some help for review this site.
Welcome to the forum. :) There's a great bunch of girls here, always ready to offer support or advice. :)

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