Hello from an oldie


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2005
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okay so im probably new to alot of you, im not new to here.
Thought id say hi to those who remember and update on our TTC journey and a quick recap to those who dont know me..

Weve been TTC since Spetember 05, Aug 06 went to my doctor and got a referral to the gyne. Spetember got seen by the gyne, tests done and referred to the assisted conception unit at another hospital.
9 months later finally got my first appointment. Test done, all fine nothing wrong, Dec 07 laparoscopy done still nothing wrong.

Descision made to go for IUI.

We have an appointment on 22nd April to review tests done for screening, all being fine we will get the go ahead to start IUI when we want to, cycle and hospital depending could be a week after that appointment at soonest, or a few weeks after that appointment.

So thats me up untill now :wave: to those who remember me and a :wave: to those who dont.
Hiya Caroline, good to see you back :wave:

Sorry to hear you've been having a hard time but good luck with the IUI, I really hope it works for you :hug:

Hi :wave:
Good luck with the IUI, it sounds like you've been through a lot :hug: :hug:
hi and welcome back ( i know i dont know you but welcome back anyway lol)
Good luck with the IUI, your journey suonds horribly tough and i hope you get to be a mummy soon.
Hey AG :wave:

welcome back and the very best of luck on the latest (and hopefully final :pray: ) leg on your TTC journey xx
Hey hun welcome back :D All the very best to you :hug:
:wave: hi hun good to see you good luck xxxxxxx
hi :wave: and welcome back! i remember you. Good look
Hi AG - I remember you - you used to knock about with Wobbles? :wave:
Hi AG good to see you back on here, i remember you well and wish you all the best for IUI please keep us posted. :hug:

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