Hello and Queries...!


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2016
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Hi all, got my BFP yesterday and will be due in October!! :cloud9:

This is my first baby so I'm new to it all and had a few questions for those of you ahead of me...

How soon should I book in to see my GP for a referral, should I arrange this straight away? Will they refer me if it's really early days? Is there a certain time frame they want you to have your booking in appointment or is it just when they have spaces?

Also I was wondering about the scan how and when this is arranged, do you get the date when you first see midwife?

If all goes well how often can I expect to have blood tests? (I'm not a fan lol)

Also can anybody recommend any good pregnancy books and apps?

Thank you :smile: xx
Hi, congratulations! I rang up my doctors and told the receptionist over the phone that I was pregnant, I didn't have to see the doctor she just said she would put a referral in to the midwife and she would contact me directly. I first saw the midwife with all my children at 8 weeks for the booking in appointment. The midwife requested a scan for me at this appointment which was then sent from the hospital via post. I think each area varies though, I am in the West Midlands, your nhs trust may work differently.x
You can ring your GP as soon as you know you're pregnant to get booked in, they will ask how far along you think you are and book you in for when you're around 8weeks. You will have your first scan at around 12 weeks and should recieve an appointment letter in the post once you have registered with a midwife. At your booking appointment they will ask for a family medical history from yourself and your partner, take a blood sample and a urine sample, and talk about vaccines that are available to you, if or not you would like the down syndrome screening test, and discuss birthing options (which hospital you may want to go to when you have your baby, etc) and you will be given a folder with your maternity notes in to take with you to any scans or appointments :) x
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It depends what area you are in.

Where I live there is "direct access" where you just call up the midwife team directly to get booked in. Don't have to go to GP at all. It makes sense to me as I thought going to the doctors would have been a waste of an appointment! Worth a Google to see what your local area offer.
Usually the midwife won't want to see you until between 8 & 12 weeks :)

Here you just book straight in with the midwife too, no need to see the GP.

According to my notes, as it's your first baby you'll get a booking in appointment, then further midwife appointments at 16 weeks, 25 weeks, 28 weeks, 31 weeks, 34 weeks, 36, 38 & 40 then at 41 & 42 if you get that far.
Plus offered dating scan at around 12 weeks and an anomaly scan at 18-20 weeks.
Congratulations!! :)

All places are different, I booked in at 4 weeks, had my first appt today at 5 weeks and I have my official booking in (bloods taken, weight, hospital choice, ect) next Thursday, I'll be 6w5d.
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I had to have an appointment with my GP first that was 5w6d, then I have my booking in apt next Monday when I will be 7w3d.
Here in Glasgow you don't have to see GP, just make app with midwife when you find out and she gives you your notes and the phone number for central booking. When you phone central booking they give you your booking in appointment and your 12 week scan appointment there and then over the phone.

As the others have said, it varies area to area. I had to self refer to Midwife who saw me immediately but didn't have my official booking in appt until almost 8 weeks. Not got my scan date through yet but have been told it will come through the post xx
Seems like a lot of areas have direct access to midwives now. I went to GP but really shouldn't have, she just checked my due date and gave me the phone number to ring midwives. Booking appointment was done at 8wks and they organised scan etc. after that. If you can't find the correct info online I'm sure the receptionist at your GP surgery could tell you. Congrats xx
The 'what to expect' book and app are useful and also the My Pregnancy babycentre app x
I downloaded an appointment called Ready Steady Baby. It follows the book we are given here in Scotland, and goes through absolutely everything pregnancy, birth and baby related.

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