

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Oh. My. God.

I got pretty bad heartburn last time but it didn't start until 3rd tri. I keep getting it loads at the moment, don't like gaviscon but the rennies are working well so going to stick with them for the time being.

I can't believe it's started so early! I'm going to be in pain for the next 19 weeks!
Awww you poor thing. I've been suffering with it too, so I drink a lot of peppermint tea (have done so before I was pregnant as I suffer with IBS) and I carry a packet of extra strong mints in case of bloating, heartburn, feeling sick as it seems to soothe it. Try a small glass of milk if the heartburn starts up, I have it in a shot glass as I hate drinking loads of it- seems to work. Stick to the Rennies if they're helping to ease the symptoms. xxx
i get it too, mostly when i'm led down (so bedtime's awful!) i hate gaviscon too & i think peppermint tea sounds horrible, so i'm just on the rennies.

i wonder if it means we're gonna get hairy babies? haha.
My DS was born with hair but not a huge amount & it all fell out in the first few weeks!

So not expecting a baldy-locks but I wonder if this one will be hairier... :think:
I had the worse heartburn with my DD and she was a hairy monkey lol!
I have it this time a bit though not as bad and it seems with me that Im getting it worse with girls so now I betting your team PINK!! hahaha (with hair ;))
Ive been getting it to! :( I didnt know what it was at first and had to google my symptoms and it came up with HB...I was so shocked because I thought we werent meant to get it until much later! :wall:

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