Heartburn question


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Have had a lot of bad heartburn, tried everything and found a few things that ease it for me, but I am told to eat little and often? I'm struggling to find something suitable to eat close to bedtime that won't kick off my heartburn as soon as I lie down, went to bed at midnight a few nights ago and was woken at 2 with horrible heartburn :shakehead: didn't get back asleep until 6.. Grr, hoping I will find a snack that won't have me going to bed hungry or with heartburn xx
Have you tried milk? Gaviscon?

Heartburn was the worst :(
Milk, Gaviscon, Rennies, Milk of magnesia, Ice pops, Polos :rofl: everything! OH got me some tablets.. Zantac were they called?:think: But packet said I had to check it out with my Doc.. So it will be Monday before I will know for sure.. I have pinpointed a few foods which set me off which has helped too
Thought you might have :lol:

Not sure on the zantac, I'd say a pharmacist could probably tell you tomorrow though if you rang a chemist?
i had bad heart burn wi lo and the only thing that cured it for me was extra strong mints
Sounds like the best idea Mamafy will do that tomorrow :hug: will also try the extra strong mints Karen, have just had polos
It used to actually make me sick it got that bad :( I really feel for you :(
The past 2 weeks I have felt that.. When I get a huge rush of it my mouth gets full of saliva and I run to the bathroom thinking I'm going to be sick :shock: but of course it will all be worth it
I drink Gaviscon and I have a glass of milk or hot chocolate before bed. It doesnt always cure it but it helps :)
You poor thing! I had to sleep sitting completely upright from 28 weeks until the end from terrible reflux and indigestion.

Nothing really worked for me except sipping ice cold water. I tried every trick in the book, I even found gaviscon and milk made me worse. It didnt help that my daughters fave position was kicking my stomach so everything I ate was kicked back up by her all night, charming!

In the end the GP gave me something on prescription that worked, It was not Domperidone but sounded something like that.

You must tell the GP it's making your life hell the next time you go, they will prescribe you something thats safe for both you and baby, the OTC stuff is not always safe and I was told not to take Zantac, but each MW and GP's advice can differ.

Def speak to the GP, I hope you find somethingto relieve the burn soon!

C xxx
Thanks girls! Think I'm coming to terms that I will just have to suck it up :lol: the countdown is on after Christmas.. Will be all over in no time xx

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