Health rant!


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2013
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Well I'm officially annoyed! I had a great first 12 weeks only sick twice and felt fine really. I've hit 13 weeks and excuse my language but the shit has hit the fan. I wake up in the night being sick, I've had a headache for 4 days, I've woke up today covered in a rash that even doctors don't know what it is, I'm so thirsty and tired I'm now panicking about GD and honestly I've just had enough!

I hope all you ladies are feeling better than I do!
My first tri was pretty easy too, not many symptoms. But since the last few weeks I've been feeling like shit too. Constantly tired, aching back/hips, headaches, feeling nauseous, constant cold and cough, sore boobs Just generally run down! I thought tri 2 was suppose to be the relaxed/best trimester?! Hope you feel better soon xx
Aww hope you feel better soon Aes! I had the same with the headache and only just got rid of it after 4 days by getting DH to give me a massage lol! X
I'm really struggling I haven't been to work since Tuesday and feel awful :( x
I think this may happen to me.. :lol:

I have a weird rash, kinda looks like a shaving rash but more spaced out and mostly on my legs.... Strange.

Mine are little bumps that look like the start of chicken pox all over my one side and to opposite boob. It's really strange! X
No I've been cleared of that yesterday because the rash goes over both sides of my body. Luckily x
My excema got really bad in tri 2 and course in 3, my sickness too.. I had no vomiting until 16 weeks (just felt seasick up to that point) and I've been sick most dats since. Pregnancy sucks balls
No I've been cleared of that yesterday because the rash goes over both sides of my body. Luckily x

Oh good cos I had my 3rd recurrence of it a few weeks ago and it was not fun with bein pregnant. Hmmm, hope all symptoms clear up soon for you x
I'm with you there sweetie! I could have pretty much wrote your post myself :( xxxx
I'm finally feeling a little bit better but still have a rash

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