hayfever question


New Member
Jul 1, 2008
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hi all, i'm anewbie here, and have been reading posts for the last few weeks, but in need of some advice today! am 15 weeks (due on 20th december) and today i had an awful day at work, because of my hayfever. nose been running like mad and sneezing beyond belief!
in desperate need of a solution otherwise i'll be hiding in my bed tomorrow!
thanks guys
Hi :wave:

i am exactly the same! im using eye drops and nasal sprays but im completely blocked up and my eyes have swollen to tiny slits. Also caught an eye infection from rubbing them so hard.
I cant advise you of anything because unfortunately theres nothing that we can take.
Some people might be able to recommend natural remedies to you but iv never got along with these so i too have spent this summer hiding from the outdoors.
A real shame as its been lovely.
Weather should not be so great over the next few days tho so at least we'll have a few better days.
Hope you start feeling a bit better :)
Hi Hun

Nice to have you here!

The G.P. prescribed me eye drops & nasal spray, it worked for me, maybe you should given your G.P a call.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
I can sympathise with you hugely hun as I suffer from horrible hayfever. There isn't actually anything you can take for it :cry: My doctor prescribed me a nasal spray and eye drops and the drops work brilliantly for me but the nasal spray is about as useful as a chocolate tea pot! Maybe go to your doctors and see what they can do. Hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug:
My hayfever gets bad when Im pregnant! :( I used to have a face steam thing that helped me the last times but I have no idea what i did with it!? Im hoping that it doesnt get much worse than it is now (not too bad this time) so wont need anything etc! But I can sympathise with you all! :hug: :hug:
My hayfever has got really bad recently too, really sore eyes and constantly sneezing - baby must think it's on a bouncy castle in there!!

Thinking of going to the doctors to see if there is anything they can do to relieve it a little.

On the bright side Kleenex won't be going bankrupt anytime soon :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
thanks guys, has been a little better today probably due to the rain last night! but going to try eating honey, putting vaseline inside my nose at night, cool face cloth over the face and if none of that helps this week will get to the gp!

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