Have you seen the news??


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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This is appalling!
I never wanted an epidural because I was afraid the medical staff would not do it properly cause me to have headaches or being paralysed, well, I never imagined that!!!! :shock:

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0, ... 59,00.html

How can this happen in this country?? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Sorry if this has been discussed anywhere else!
Mel xx
OMG thats so bad. that poor woman knowing her baby for 1 hr
the poor family
This might sound really dumb, but what did she die of?
I'd have thought it would have just numbed her arm :think:
Did it paralise her heart or something?
i wonder????

would it have been a painfull death??
That is disgraceful :evil: I really feel for the poor family.

So let me get this right, did they mistake her arm for her spinal area and give her the epidural in the wrong place, OR were they supposed to give her a different injection in her arm and picked up the epidural needle instead?

How did they not know where an epidural was supposed to go?! :doh: :|
poor women only knowing her little boy for an hour
Yvonne said:
So let me get this right, did they mistake her arm for her spinal area and give her the epidural in the wrong place, OR were they supposed to give her a different injection in her arm and picked up the epidural needle instead :doh: :|

its got to of been the second one
well i thought epidurals were sterile and prepared the moment they are needed. Why was there one just lying around?!!

This is bizarre news, doesn't get explained very well does it?! :roll:
Having watched loads of these birth programs, an epidural isn't an injection is it?? It's a larger needle inserted into the spine, then a thin tube-type thing pushed in afterwards which is then left sticking out of the back in case the medication needs topping up.

So how the hell did they manage to put this in her arm??????? :shock:
this is what has confused me?!

It is a super large needle for one, why has there been one left lying around, and why on earth is a trained nurse getting limbs mixed up! or needles if it was that reason?!

Your not safe anywhere!
I agree! it must have been the second option, probably the thing was already in her spine, and they mistook the epidural for something else! I still cxan't see why it happened!!! it must have been so horrible for the father, getting his new son, but losing his wife!!! what a tragedy!

Mel xx
But how did she die?
It must have paralised her heart or something, i can't see any other way of it killing her!
What an awful mistake to make :( That poor family. You wouldn't expect an incident like that to happen in this country, how could the hospital not have realised???
Just found this on the BBC website

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wilt ... 017798.stm

- it sounds like she did have a heart attack, and that the epidural went in through a drip in her arm. So scary- it's not like you or your loved one/s would be looking out for that kind of mistake at a time like that either is it?

OMG that is horrible glad i didnt have an epi now dont think i d have one in the future either if i can help it

that poor lil boyand the rest of her family
"EPIDURAL USE ONLY" can't anyone read in that hospital?!!!
How awful, birth is meant to be a time of happiness and hope. My heart goes out to them x
So she didn't plan on having the epidural? The epidural drug was just put in a drip in her arm?

Or am I being stupid :?

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