Have you had an allergy test?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Just wondering where you got it done? How much? Did you think it was conclusive?
I haven't had any but my mum got a test done for food intolerance if thats any help. No needles were invloved either, you just hold something and it shows which foods you shouldn't eat and some you try to avoid etc. Its good for something like IBS.

Wasn't expensive either, £50 or something. :D
My daughter has ezcema and we recently went private to see a dermatologist and it was recommded Isabella have a blood test which costs in the region of £300 :shock:
I've had tonnes of allergy tests! All done on the NHS though!

Your GP can do whats called a RAST test. This involves taking some blood and sending it to a lab to get tested.

The downside of these tests is that you have to tell them what you think your daughter may be allergic to, as they will only test for the things you suggest. So, you could go saying "I think my daughter is allergic to house dust mites, egg white and feathers" and they'll come back saying "Yip, your daughter is allergic to house dust mites/egg white and feathers" :roll: So it's just like confirmation!

I then had to push to get skin prick tests done at a hospital 35 miles away in Glasgow. They are a bit more random and could show up things you've never even thought about!

Then I also had patch tests done at a dermatology department in another hospital. They were good because they show up things you'd never though of as well!

I'd push your GP for referrals and tests on the NHS!

My GP wrote a referal to my mat hosp and it said "Elaine is the most allergic person I have ever met" :shock: :rotfl:

Feel free to PM me!

iv had food intolerance test done too on the NHS was a blood test initially
my partner has just had an allergy test, and weve joined a allergy research in our hospital who are going to monitor new baby for first 2 years of life, which is quite good as alana had terrible excema and our dr was useless
Dont holland and barrett do something? My GP wouldnt send me for tests, he just said I'm allergic to tree pollen and it wasnt going to be much use testing as it would just say "tree pollen" but not specify a type (I think its hazelnut)
my partner turned out to be allergic to pine resin, which is in like every thing :wall:

got to be soo careful, tbh if u know what ur allergic to i dont think the tests are worth it. ours were on nhs and im glad we didnt go private
LaineyG said:
I've had tonnes of allergy tests! All done on the NHS though!

Your GP can do whats called a RAST test. This involves taking some blood and sending it to a lab to get tested.

The downside of these tests is that you have to tell them what you think your daughter may be allergic to, as they will only test for the things you suggest. So, you could go saying "I think my daughter is allergic to house dust mites, egg white and feathers" and they'll come back saying "Yip, your daughter is allergic to house dust mites/egg white and feathers" :roll: So it's just like confirmation!

I then had to push to get skin prick tests done at a hospital 35 miles away in Glasgow. They are a bit more random and could show up things you've never even thought about!

Then I also had patch tests done at a dermatology department in another hospital. They were good because they show up things you'd never though of as well!

I'd push your GP for referrals and tests on the NHS!

My GP wrote a referal to my mat hosp and it said "Elaine is the most allergic person I have ever met" :shock: :rotfl:

Feel free to PM me!


Ahd thanks.

I feel like I have been fobbed off for so long now as ezcema reared itself 3 weeks after Isabella was born, we have been to paeditrician and was told she was allergic to cows milk (she was on formula at the time) so we were given a diary free formula which helped but resulted in her vomitting profusely after each feed. It sort of was like a detox for her and her skin cleared 70% so we went back to her normal diet. It has always been there but since December it has been quite moderate and is getting her down.

What is the prick test?
paradysso said:
my partner has just had an allergy test, and weve joined a allergy research in our hospital who are going to monitor new baby for first 2 years of life, which is quite good as alana had terrible excema and our dr was useless

That sounds good I wished we had something like that in our area

The prick test (sounds rude! hahaha) is when they jab the skin on the underside of your arm and then introduce an allergen to it to see if you react. When I say jab it's not like getting a jag. They basically want to just put a teeny tiny scratch on the top layer of skin to allow the testing fluid into it.

It might not be very nice for a wee one, but if she's got bad eczema she's a brave enough girl anyways!

Good Luck!


mine was free a few years back am allergic to alot of outdoor things, dogs, cats, rabbits ect ect
wasnt bad though !!

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