Have you finished watching friends?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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My DH bought me "the one with all ten" box set for xmas and when i finished watching them i was really upset. for 1 joey didnt really get a happy ending, every one was married or having babies and he lost all 5 friends.

Every time i see it on tv i think "oh it might be one i havnt seen" but its never going to be! Its right depressing...iv been watching it on friday for years and now its all over :cry:

is any one else gutted about it or am i being stupid? :think:
I was a sad when it finished. i've got the box set too but haven't actually sat down & watched them. Seen them all tho.

I had a dream about Matt Perry last night, very nice, didn't want to wake up. I love him
We are always watching friends, got the full set too......although i think i may have worn them out! It doesn't matter how many times you've seen them before they are still hilarious!
jenna said:
For 1 joey didnt really get a happy ending, every one was married or having babies and he lost all 5 friends.

Totally agree. It was a cop out!
It would have been so cool if they had made him a film star.
i know they will always be funny no matter how many times you see them and you only have to hear the end of the jokes to make you piss yourself laughing but i wanna see new stuff, i wanna know about the babies!!

"JOEY" on channel 5 was rubbish and at the end of friends they didnt even leave it so it looked like he could have a career!

"what do you think i am some sort of unstopable moron?"

HAHA :rotfl:
I LOVE friends! have every single dvd which ive watched a million times and i still watch it on E4 at 5pm!!! :rotfl: i would watch them constantly on my maternity leave and would always cry at the end......

Ross - "did she get off the plane? did she get off the plane?"

Racheal - "i got off the plane"

waaaaaaaaaaah!! :( :(

i cried it was horrible wen they all left that empty flat boohoo


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