Have this feeling..


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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That this month or next cycle I'm going to get my bfp! I keep having the same baby dream that I will be pregnant then!and I just have this feeling that it's gonna happen. It's a silly thing to say but it's been far too long.. Year and a half with proper trying and 2 and a half years with no contraception.. It has to be this month! Trying soo hard. Even other half is getting in the mood a lot lot More than normal.. Most days it's twice a day and opks still aren't showing my ovulation yet so we just don't wanna miss it! Excited!!

Well a girl can dream can't she!!!

Fingers crossed x
Ive got everything crossed for you sweetie, goodluck :clover: x x

It's a silly thing to say but we had the lay back approach for a few months and this last month we haven't. Mayr it's just the fact were putting more effort it now. I dunno but kist feel really positive about this month or next :)
Aw that's fantastic :)

It's great when you get a whoosh of positive vibes - fingers crossed it pays off :good:
fingers crossed for you hun, xxx have you been to see your doctor yet? I went and my doctor organised a day 21 progesterone blood test which will tell if you have ovulated, wishing you all the very best of luck xxx
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

FX for your :bfp: very very very soon! (and for everyone who is TTC)
Me too young mum 21!! :)

I havent had the 21 day progesterone blood test.. ive chnaged doctors and havent seen my new one yet. I did have the first lot of tests done, but my old doc said that it was all they could do for me.
Oh is going docs this week to find out what tests etc he can have done.

Really hope this gutt feeling is right!

Thanks girls xx

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