Has anyone written and published a book?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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I've always wanted to write a book and I've decided I'm going to give it a shot.
I've written lots of articles that have been published in medical journals but this is something I'd like to do completely aside from that.
I have lots of ideas for my book but even though I have scoured google for information I'm still unsure as to where to start!
Do I self publish or go down the traditional route?
Do I send a full copy or brief overview to potential publishers? How many do I send to?
Any advice or tips would be wonderful xx
Just wanted to wish you luck! :) I want the 1st signed copy. :)
I've no idea but I'm super impressed with your publishing history :) I'd love to get a paper published!

I can't wait to read it, bet its a comedy ;) xx
Hahaha it might be something really dry about steam engines or snail husbandry :rofl: xx
At least I'll know a "published author"! I'm just trying to add strings to my bow. ;)
No help, but good luck! I'd love to read your autobiography!!!xx
My autobiography would need to be about 6 volumes lol x
I would love to know this too as I have always loved writing and have so many ideas, just dont know where to start :) x
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It's my dream to one day have a book published, I've loved writing stories since I was at primary school, however I'm a bit crap at actually finishing stories so I somehow doubt I'll ever actually manage it!

My late Great Uncle published a book (non-fiction) using a self-publisher some years ago, I got the impression that it wasn't difficult, however it was expensive - but then his book was hardback and had pictures and diagrams and things, so I guess paperback novel might be cheaper? I guess these days there's also the option to publish it as an ebook through amazon etc.? I imagine there is probably still some stigma with self-publishers, but I also imagine that it's declining as more and more people do it (and with ebooks I imagine you can offer samples for free etc.).

Sorry that's probably not much help! You might already have looked there, but the NaNoWriMo forums might have more relevant advice and links (although I don't know how USA biased they are).

Let us know how you get on :)
Not sure if I'm right or if I dreamed this up but as a starter I'm sure I read somewhere that anyone can sell a book in kindle format on Amazon. BRB...off to google
Cos how do you find the time? 5 kids full time job... You're Wonder Woman!xx
Hahaha I like to keep myself busy. When the kids are at schOol and the baby is asleep then I do some cleaning, cooking and writing. Plus, I don't sleeP much so I like to write at night x

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