Has any one ever experienced symptoms caused by implantation?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
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Hey everyone,

I know not every one believes you can feel symptoms caused by implantation. I have been googling and there isn't enough research in this area. Some sites say you can have symptoms where others say it's impossible.

I'm about 7dpo today (I don't chart so I don't exactly know). I do use opks and had a positive on the 26th and I think I had ov pains on the 27th.

Anyway.. Today I've had quite sore BBs and nipples, I leaked colostrum yesterday again. (Happened with my last BFP, my lo is 21 months. It hasn't happened before this).

I've also had some right sided twinges, shooting pains (but not painful) in my bits and back cramps. Oh and dizzy spells.

I am not ovulating I have used an Opk.

What are your thoughts? Is this possible?

I have other symptoms; my cervix is medium, closed and very soft/squishy. I'm tired, I've got heartburn.

Thanks for reading xx
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Hiya, I think those sound like implantation symptoms but they could just be random twinges too so there is no real way to know until you test or get af.

I'm 10 dpo and I had some one sided twinges like you describe a couple of days ago. I'm hoping they were implantation but who knows!
Thank you for replying. Good luck Hun!

I'm hoping so but like you said only time will tell now. I'm 9dpo today. I'm going to test tomorrow. Will you be testing? Xx
I think so. I would like to say no I won't test and I'll just wait for AF or not but I know I'm going to at some point, I'm just not sure when! I would like to hold off at least until 12dpo. How about you?
I'm a serious addict lol I was going to try today but I forgot to catch my fmu lol so I will test in the morning. I will be 10dpo. But I'm not too sure now. Yesterday my temp was at 37.9 in the evening so I'm not sure if I will end up with a bug or cold and that could be giving me some symptoms. It's at 37.1 now so still a little raised but not much xx
Okay so I tested. And I think there's something there. I've put a picture in the am I pregnant section xx
I felt implantation deffo. 6dpo I had bad cramps like I was either due af in a second or poop my pants in a second lol.

8dpo we had sex and I had some brown dots then I tested 9dpo and got a positive so I mustve implanted 6dpo.

Ooh.. You've made me more hopeful. Thank you :)

I don't usually get cramps at that stage in my cycle (7dpo) so I'm really hoping it was implantation. If tonight's test is a BFP then I'm guessing the cramps must have been implantation lol I'm not sure If I've congratulated you or not but congratulations xx
Thank you. Im not sure my bfp announcement still pops up now and then from January :lol:

Yeah I dont either. I was in the middle of asda and thought I need home now. Think it lasted an hour or so.

I think they say it takes 48-72hr for hcg to build so being 10dpo tmorrow i imagine youd get a nice faint positive then. Obv youv had good signs from your cheapie today. All looking good.

Oh I hope so! I'm never going to be able to sleep tonight lol xx
Hiya, I think those sound like implantation symptoms but they could just be random twinges too so there is no real way to know until you test or get af.

I'm 10 dpo and I had some one sided twinges like you describe a couple of days ago. I'm hoping they were implantation but who knows!

Have you tested Hun? Xx
Yes and bfn with FRER so not looking hopeful. Gutted as this is our 4th clomid cycle and I had a feeling I had an egg from each side this time so thought we were in with a chance. Holding on to a shred of hope that I could still get a positive. Still got some cramps and twinges.
Yes and bfn with FRER so not looking hopeful. Gutted as this is our 4th clomid cycle and I had a feeling I had an egg from each side this time so thought we were in with a chance. Holding on to a shred of hope that I could still get a positive. Still got some cramps and twinges.

I wish you the best of luck Hun! Your not out until AF shows!! I've had loads of cramps so that's a good sign xx


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